Trump misses the mark when warming up to a crypto currency e.g., bitcoin

Bingo. Weaken the dollar to boost crypto.

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Not at all. Its a message board we can share our thoughts.

What a fascinating post.

It’s always someone else’s fault.

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The way i understand crypto it will be a slow walk to anything meaningful by our government. It picked up steam and i thought we were going to see more places take it. But i dont think it can be regulated if at all and the price is so volatile. Governments love to overinflate their money china being the biggest culprit. Crypto kind of takes that away.

Or maybe Trump is driving the decision? Why does Trump always get a pass and its someone else’s fault.

Like others have said its probably just as simple that Trump is embracing crypto because he has been attracting donors from the tech sector.

I like how Trump says we need a strategic bitcoin reserve - always good to have a big pile of highly volatile imaginary money laying around for emergencies, right?


Where is your documentation confirming you assertion?

Where is your documentation that Trump was badly advised?

No one on this forum has access to any political campaign so all can do is make guesses and give our opinions.

But with the recent interest from some Tech billionaires it is logical to think that Trump is embracing crypto to attract more donation.

It is telling that the value of crypto currency is always given in US dollars.

Actually, the value of crypto currency is given in US Federal Reserve Notes, not US Dollars.




All American money is based on faith since they took the silver out of the coins.

And the people have only gotten poorer…

“Each silver quarter contains 0.18084 troy ounce of pure silver. Simply multiply this number by the current spot price of silver in order to find their melt value today. Based on the average silver price over the past decade, the value is generally between $3 and $5”

Just a note:

As of earlier today, a United States Dollar will bring you 29.66 [one dollar denomination] Federal Reserve Notes LINK