Trump melting down on Twitter again. What's about to break?

I had to look up what a Trapper Keeper was. Too modern, too high-tech for me by far.

In my day (clears throat of phlegm, hawks loogie), all we had were Pee Chee folders. And the football players on the Pee Chee folders didn’t have these “face mask” things you pampered snot-nosed ne’er-do-wells have nowadays.

We used to eat chicken lard straight out of the can. And we loved it.


Sorry grandpa I don’t gave time for your stories right now I’m on an adventure.



You will not get an honest answer out of Trump supporters because they know the truth and refuse to acknowledge it.

What has this man done to earn your respect?

Bet you never saw one pampered less also. In other words…

I dunno. I think Lincoln, Kennedy, Garfield, McKinley, Reagan, and Ford would argue with this statement. At least no one has taken a shot at the dude.


The comment was aimed more towards an earlier discussion by some Trumpers here claiming that Fox and Friends was a talk show akin to The View…

Glad the president cleared that up even if Fox and Friends is nothing more then a joke it likes to put itself out there as a real political show.

Obama had the vast majority of the news media praising him, and going out of their way to cheer-lead for him.

A study by the Shorenstein Center revealed that the news coverage for Trump has been exceedingly negative. Fox News Channel was mostly negative also, but they were not 90% negative against Trump, which i guess makes them pro-Trump surrogates. :man_shrugging:t6:

CNN’s Existential War With Trump By Victor Davis Hanson

Maybe the news about Trump IS mostly negative. Look how he behaves, lies, acts like a goof, whines, disrespects others, has no loyalty to anyone…on and on.


My in-laws went to totally gold during the Obama administration. They listen to Fox 24/7.

So they went from being very wealthy to basically having no retirement because of a few financial blunders. And I know because they showed me their retirement accounts. They’re worried they’re gonna run out of money in a year or two.

They live off social security now. Then I will eventually have to take care of them because they got scared and conned by Republican media. It pisses me off that they were so wealthy and now I’ll have to pay for them. But it’s family so what else can I do?


I know what I’d do.

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No that can’t be it.

Maybe because he deserves it?

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Wow, that’s really sad.

I know my uncle did the same with a lot of his retirement savings, which pissed off his kids, but they are looney-tune Trump/Fox supporters too, so I didn’t care.

That is so sad, but don’t put your own future at risk for them. They dug this hole themselves.

He’s yet to match Strzok and Page’s 50,000 antiTrump, proHillary texts- while on duty.
That’s a record that will stand forever.

I can’t disagree with that.

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Nah. No matter what he does/says, the news should be mostly positive. I don’t know why that doesn’t make sense to you.

The article cites Chris Cuomo. Right there the study is not accurate.

Chris Cuomo is on at 9pm. He provides an opinionated show on current events. His competitor at the 9pm time slot is Sean Hannity. Sean also has an opinionated show on current events.

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We’ve discussed this nonsense “OMG TRUMP COVERAGE MORE NEGATIVE” many times here.

The coverage is negative because Trump himself is negative.

When Trump tweets something like “Enemy of the state” or “this person is an idiot” or something like that, and CNN reports the tweet, that is considered “negative” in the context of that survey.

Trump is largely negative, so the coverage is largely negative. This isn’t rocket science.