Trump melting down on Twitter again. What's about to break?

Donald Trump at the “Heroin Summit.”

He took the conference name literally, not seriously.

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No, what you’re watching is a big fake who doesn’t care about anything and doesn’t bother to prepare before speaking to an audience.

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We will stop nothing can stop us.

The Great Communicator.

How could that be? He’s reading off a teleprompter. :rofl:

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Nothing stops you, I can tell you…

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or pay for.

Law enforcement has become hot! They’re been having a little problem, but they’re hot! -fat donald

He seems high as a kite during an anti-drug soeech. :rofl:


I can’t see it, but he’s probably on his adderall.

We need a closeup of his eyes. They’re probably unnaturally dilated.



Not really… nobody with any knowledge of the constitution believes the supreme court can or would overturn an impeachment conviction…

reading some of these posts convinces me that a lot of people don’t know what impeachment is.


If at least 20 Republican senators were willing to convict Trump, it’s doubtful that the conservatives on the Supreme Court would disagree.

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Mexico has already started a war with the US. It’s using illegal immigrants against the US as economical and biological weapons.

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Is that why D Trump’s business employed some undocumented workers?

Obama just talked about how bad the opioid crisis is. Trump is actually doing something about it. The Left prefers the guy who just talked about how bad a problem is.


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Uh uh. The Supreme Court has this problem with convictions without evidence, which is what the Mueller report said, no evidence.


Delusional nonsense… the constitution and supreme
Court precedence are absolutely clear about the power of impeachment. Good lord, that anyone is even debating this is indicative of how far the GOP has fallen…


The Constitution gives Congress the authority to try and judge the President for “high crimes and misdeamanors”. Since the Congress is taking over the role of the courts, you could argue the Supreme Court should have the authority of overturning a conviction based on no evidence, which is what the Mueller report said, no evidence.


They could argue all day long, the Supreme Court has made it abundantly clear where the power of impeachment rests and who determines what is a high crime or misdemeanor…

we’re gonna have to debate reality for awhile.