Trump melting down on Twitter again. What's about to break?

Most insecure celebrity I can ever remember.

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Any strategy just has to work in 3 States.

Another busy morning at the white house…

The most recent FOX News Poll has Trump’s approval at 45%. Rasmussen ended up being not that accurate during the 2018 midterms.

She has to. Republican media talks about her constantly. Trump lives to watch Republican TV.

Or Rasmussen, which is just fantasy land for Trumpers.

Social media platforms deny being publishers. They escape slander/libel/defamation suits on that basis. If someone is publishing illegal material, social media should be reporting them to law enforcement, and let the law deal with them. They don’t get to edit content and also not be publishers.

This is nothing more than the team taking on the personally of their coach.

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Dude. I’d get kicked off THIS message board if I said certain things.

The lack of understanding simple stuff is breathtaking.

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Rush was on Fox News yesterday stating that she should be in jail.

Donald is a 1% who was educated in the Ivy League. He’s as elite as they come.

Now, if you’re suggesting he’s no more refined or intelligent than the average American, I agree completely.

You have a right to free speech.

You have no right to use a private platform that you yourself do not own.

Fat donald is like a new found drug to these deplorables.

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It’s like classic rock.

Enjoyable but I don’t have to hear “Hotel California” three times a day.

They need to come up with something new.

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Where are they editing content?

Yeah yeah yeah, I’ve heard this spiel before, straight from Rush’s mouth.

And as always it boils down to TOS.

Funny I don’t see you harping on the owners of this forum about posts being removed and users banned.

Yeah, but did she whine about not having enough twitter followers?

Hey! Pathetic and creepy is cool if it annoys libs!

No. Think about why

That’s kinda sad.