Trump: "media has been unbelievably unfair to Republicans, conservatives, and certainly to me"

At least we now know what happens to a child when you give him millions of dollars and spoil him his whole life (taken to the extreme) and expect zero manual labor. They grow up to be whiny, cheating, lying, adulterers who have no empathy whatsoever for their fellow man.


It’s always about him…

5 mins after saying the press needs to tone down their rhetoric in his rally tonight

Trump: Democrats like Crooked Hillary…"
Crowd: “Lock Her Up”
Trump: 'Oh boy they’re going to be writing about you tonight"
Crow: “Lock her Up”
Trump: :grinning:

Its his happy place.

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Never has one man pleasured himself in public so shamelessly as has Donald amongst his MAGAmob.


Yikes now we have liberals calling for a Reagan revolution. The end of times must be near

Why won’t trump and his sycophants denounce terrorism?


They condone it, if it helps them.


I really hope that the Democrats don’t stoop to their level. We need to win on issues, not on degrees of nasty.

I don’t think you can beat the mafia by being nice.

We just had the largest assassination attempt in the history of our country and it doesn’t seem to be moving the needle at all for many republicans. Our president continues to inflame the situation. The democrats will have to be 10 times nastier than Trump ever thought about being.

He’s bringing this on the entire Republican party. Just watch what happens.


Can you imagine if someone tried to bomb fox news and Obama just kept saying how unfair they are to him in response?

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His life would have been in imminent danger.

Sure seems so. Perpetual Victimhood is a cornerstone of this administration. To paint the media as a bigger threat to our country than an actual terrorist is shameful and really inexcusable.

One day the Republican Party will look back on this time and regret their positions.

Yup…Trump as lowered the bar so far, we would take Reagan over the whiny little baby Trump, all day long.

And just kept having rallies?


These people are the worst.


Nah…that requires these folk to have a moral center…

correct. and there are millions of them. and they vote.

Their political power needs to be reduced.

Maybe people from rural areas should only get 3/5ths of a vote, because they’re a drain on our economy.


I wonder if Jimmy Carter is feeling left out.

For those who may want the Cliff Notes version of his tweet, here you go:


You’re welcome.