Trump CALIFORNIA 9/29/23

This is not a real post. Is it?

Somebody actuslly took the time to “report” what someone said at a family dinner and then somebody else commented on the dinner!


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That’s a great pun for the pelosi husband thread.

Lots of ass slapping there too…….

Pelosi had a 7 way gay tryst? What a freak.

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Yep and then her husband did too and then some posters here too

En masse :blush:

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What’s a few F bombs at an NFL game?

As opposed to F-bombs before thousands of people and who knows how many 6-7 figure audience on various media from the man who would desire to lead the country?

That too is noteworthy.

I can’t with the media. :joy:

Or the current one who is (supposedly)……
Ah never mind


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I’m not the one that had the problem with cursing.

You appear to.

I’m sure Mrs. Kelce, who raised not one but two NFL stars, has heard more than her fair share of F-bombs in her life, and can probably deal.

Funnily enough, much of California’s problems today stem from being TOO aggressive with fire suppression over the last several decades, as well as ■■■■■■ community design and development.

It’s a complex issue and one that isn’t going to be solved with rakes and water.

Raking and wetting are good for your lawns.

In the forests, such methods are useless.

Well there is a whole thread here claiming women who do certain things are sluts, but men engaging in the same thing are just being men .

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And it’s not the only one.

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From your friend LL post #17:
“He was pretty foul mouthed at that appearance today. On brand, today’s GOP.”

Only calling out the hypocrisy of the libz and proggies that visit here :crazy_face:

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You’re not talking to her.

You’re talking to me.

And vice versa.

YOU indicated having an issue with foul mouth language. So I asked YOU.

How is Taylor swift a reference on the subject? Why?

How is her being foul mouthed or not relevant to any topic.

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I have 2nd graders on my school bus use that kind of language. They get suspended when reported then pick up where they left off upon returning. I’m not their parent nor do I live in the ‘hood so I get it. I’m responsible for their safety and security during transport. I’m also tasked with reporting bad behavior or violating school district published rules. The school disciplines the students.
That all said my answer to YOU is foul language is a learned behavior and if tolerated becomes acceptable. Do I or have I used foul language? Sure, Army barracks, knuckle busting working with tools, here on the anonymity of the web forum, missing a shot at a healthy white tailed deer because I didn’t properly compensate for wind and elevation etc etc.
In mixed company or in front of my kids when they were growing up or now with the grandkids? I try not to but that’s just me. Do my grown children cuss? I’m sure, but I tried to set a good example for them soooo
Hope that fulfills YOUR curiosity. :kissing_heart:

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You’re going to need to make that clip a link.

It’s not the same, because men and women are different. Other than that yes.

P01135809 is a lout.

Cool, but it’s still just a word so no there is no difference.

Communications have multiple parts.