'Trump is ruining our markets': Struggling farmers are losing a huge customer

Sorry, don’t recall them pushing the Russian collusion lie like those idots who lost all their credibility by doing so.:rofl:

How does it feel defending the real fake news that pushed that Russian collusion lie?
Are you proud of them for keeping Americans uninformed of the hainuss crimes committed by the Obama Administration?

Yeah not alot of sympathy for these guys. I know a ffew.

That’s cool. Then it’s a lucky thing they are bearing the brunt of the trade war. They should vote for him again.

They will because they know Trump supports them like the rest of the country.

I will predict that the farmers support numbers are going to take a big fall.
Trump keeps lying about the tariffs and the economy in general.
And I believe that it is going to turn on him soon.
The farmers are loosing business and the only thing that is keeping their support are the government subsidies. Watch what happens when those subsidies run out. And they realize that Trump has lied to them about all of this.

I think our president will say he’s canceling the tariffs before the election, get their votes again, and reinstate them after the election.

The election is a long way down the road. The financial indicators are hinting at some level of recession in the next couple of months.
And the latest polls are showing him down 3 - 12 point in states that he took by a pretty good margin.
Like I said, there are some Trump supporters that are finally going to get tired of his lying.

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I googled " number of farms operating in America"

Some, unfortunately, tend towards self - destructive behavior. This would seem to be such a case.

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After this years harvest when the farmers can’t pay their bills and start to lose their farms

One trick pony?

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Trump only squeaked by in many of the swing states, especially midwest. The vote counts were razor thin, electoral college doesn’t really paint the correct picture

I predict he will do what’s best for America unlike Obama.

Distruction would be the Democratic Party defending all of the Obama scandals.

I wouldn’t even attempt to try to figure out what “distruction” would be. I can’t find that term in my trusty online dictionary - or even google.

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They are distroying them selves thanks to all the sick Obama scandals.

You remember all the freaks that accused President Trump of colluding with the Russians?

There’s a lot of them!:rofl:

Mueller called he wants his reputation back.

If you’re looking for someone to defend democrats, I’m the wrong person.

I was critical of democratic stances long before I became critical of what the republicans allowed themselves to become under Trump.

The behavior of one party does not negate the bad behavior of another party though.

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