Trump Is Playing His Supporters Again

To be fair, the dimocrats, mueller and media have played them for over 3 years now.

But hey libs, just clutch your knees to your chest and keep repeating “it’s all a diversion”.

Should work well.

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…and then they create arrogant threads feeling the need to regurgibleet more of their sheople food they swallowed. It alright though. It makes me start my day with a daily chuckle. :sunglasses:

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Try again.

Linick investigated Hillary Clinton.

…and? The defense rests. Thanks. :sunglasses:

“At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act,”

Imagine if a couple of weeks before that report, Obama had fired that guy.

Just. Imagine it.

Oh…sounds baaa, baaa, baaad. What happened to her based on his findings?

Zero of the people you asked about are currently behind bars.

No denying it.

Why are you bleating like a sheep? Strange.

It seems you think Clinton is guilty no matter what investigations find or recommend. Your feelings seem more important than facts.

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True, I hear kid sniffing is all the rage now…

Goes back way farther than 3 years.