Trump Declares He Will End Birthright Citizenship

Some trump lover using his/her own interpretation of trump’s wishes,.

The clearly states and person born in the United States is a citizen.

It’s not really that hard.

Jus soli.

I know that you don’t like it.

Amend the constitution.

Solves all problems.


How long ago? How does a diploma establish citizenship?

If you don’t know, go Google it.

Where on either document is my citizenship indicated?

Either get a lawyer or check out How to apply for a passport


Already have one… All I needed to prove my citizenship was my birth certificate… :joy::joy::joy::joy:

about 12 years ago. I lost my original passport and reapplied with my birth certificate.

They said they needed more documentation.

so I sent them my high school diploma.

viola. it was in the mail.

unsure why they needed extra documentation. Birth certificate proves citizenship.

Not sure what a 30 year old high school diploma proves.

but it worked.

and they sent it back to me. along with my passport.


Now a month since Trump floated the idea of an executive order on birthright citizenship… Anyone heard anything? :joy:

Haven’t you been paying attention? Donald Trump Executive Ordered the citizenship status away from millions of Americans, and his administration then proceeded to deport every single one of them. Problem solved.

So it’s not soup yet?


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! LINK


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

Or you haven’t really thought it out since every other country on the planet that passes citizenship of the father on to the children doesn’t seem to have any problems. Wonder why that is?

Maybe because the imaginary issue you’ve created in your head wouldn’t even be a non starter? Huh.

There is no need to wonder, they have separate documentation for every individual citizen. For instance, in the UK it’s a citizenship certificate. Do we have that type of documentation in the US?

The UK? You do realize there are a grand total of 33 countries in the world that grant citizenship by jus soli, right? What do you think the rest use?

Earlier posters were arguing eliminating jus soli via executive order. I was making the point that if we did, millions and millions of American’s would be affected immediately since there is no other documentation to determine citizenship except the birth certificate showing birth on US soil. There is nothing in place currently that could be used to determine the citizenship of the person other than a birth certificate.

So you Googled it then?

(a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;

An illegal alien is not subjecting themselves to the jurisdiction of the US. By their very act of residing illegally in the US, in violation of US immigration laws, they took it upon themselves to set themselves outside of US jurisdiction.

States do not have the authority to control us citizenship, immigration and naturalization. The feds do.

For example:

A child born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents may acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if certain statutory requirements are met. The child’s parents should contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (CRBA) to document that the child is a U.S. citizen. If the U.S. embassy or consulate determines that the child acquired U.S. citizenship at birth, a consular officer will approve the CRBA application and the Department of State will issue a CRBA, also called a Form FS-240, in the child’s name.

Name a state that does not issue birth certificates to anyone born in their state regardless of citizenship status?

Currently. So fix it going forward and grandfather in those already born here. Easy peasy.