Trump Declares He Will End Birthright Citizenship

I haven’t verified a random tweet I saw, and I’m obviously not being serious, but Barron was born in March and Melania became a citizen in June/July

Ok, so she was still a legal resident as opposed to an illegal alien and his father was a citizen.

Deport her ass and deport anchor baby barron.

I am not optimistic that it can succeed by executive order, legislatively perhaps. In any case, it is high time the court ruled on it directly, which will tell us definitively what steps are necessary to end it.

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It has no bearing on the immigration status of the parents. That’s a function of Congress. However, it explicitly grants citizenship to anyone born here that isn’t a child of:

  1. foreign diplomat
  2. Indians on Indian land (made moot by INA of 1924)
  3. occupying forces

We know this because those who wrote and passed it explicitly said so and the plain language of the clause makes no exception for children of illegals.

Since 1993, EVERY session of congress has had a bill introduced to attempt to use federal legislation to address brithright citizenship… tell you anything? Here is the current one…

Uh oh.

And what’s with Americans electing a president with a foreign wife? That crap should be a illegal.

two foreign wives, and a third one who was a liberal hollywood elitist.

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14th amendment, brah.

I’ll pitch in…

Again…in the age of the Internet, any joe on his couch can do a few searches and think he’s an expert.

The internet is accelerating the Death of Expertise.

Anyone can be a constitutional lawyer or a Congressman or a doctor…or President.


And today we’re gonna find out that if you spend the night at a Holiday Inn you’re an expert.

It tells me we need to get more conservatives elected, we’re working on it.

Why do you have an opinion on it? Are you some sort of internet expert?

Good luck… notice who introduced that bill?

You appear to be under the “delusion” that Wong Kim Ark is relevant to the meaning of “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” as the words appear in the 14th Amendment.

Wong Kim Ark is irrelevant!

Wong Kim Ark and the myth of birthright citizenship bestowed upon a child born to an illegal entrant on U.S soil.

In Wong Kim Ark the 14th Amendment’s qualifier requiring “ and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” was not addressed by the Court as applied to the circumstances which are today in dispute.

In the case the Court pointed out:

(1)Wong Kim Ark’s parents were in our country legally;

(2) had been settled in American for quite some time;

(3) the parents had a permanent domicile and residence in the United States;

(4) they were carrying on a lawful business;

(5) and the parents were not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the emperor of China at the time of Wong Kim Ark’s birth.

After the above facts were established by the Court, Justice Gray then stated with regard to Wong Kim Ark’s question of citizenship :

“For the reasons above stated, this court is of opinion that the question must be answered in the affirmative.”

The Court in Wong Kim Ark did not addresses if a child born to an alien on American soil, who has entered the United States illegally, is considered a citizen.

Now, keep in mind the Supreme Court had earlier discussed the meaning of the 14th amendment’s citizenship clause in the Slaughterhouse cases and noted, “[t]he phrase, ‘subject to its jurisdiction’ was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States.”

The bottom line is, our S.C. has never addressed this issue and I am inclined to support President Trump using an Executive Order as he has suggested.

I believe President Trump is on to something if he signs an EO changing public policy which denies citizenship to children born to aliens while on American soil, and especially denies citizenship to the children born to illegal entrants while on American soil. The ACLU would have a fit and run to have an injunction placed on the order which would immediately open the door to an expedited case before the Supreme Court.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

And you would think those who are in this thread of the opinion that it’s a slam dunk that the court will hold that the children of illegal aliens are citizens would be all for it. Why wouldn’t they want air tight legal precedent to back their claims?

The federal law is pretty clear… are you suggesting he can use an EO to change federal law?

What federal law are you talking about?