Trump compares impeachment inquiry to a "lynching"

1/3 of the people lynched by Southern democrats were white republicans…
The rest were almost all black republicans…

Woodrow Wilson is still a hero to democrats…

But her e-mails!


Liberals lynched by conservatives…

Conservatives still love the confederacy…

all good points, but I still don’t think Trump knew what a lynching was when he posted that tweet this morning.

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Heritage of hate

I think he does for sure and he’s doing it to show how badly he’s being treated. He’s the one who’s being lynched, not anyone else. He is being treated so badly, the worst in history.

It’s like when he leans in to saying China is raping us.

Today’s liberals are not real liberals they are authoritarian and socialists…

I’m a classic liberal… = Free markets and the govt that governs the best, governs the least.

The only people talking about leaving the union were democrats in 2016…


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Then why are the odds so much greater that Republicans have Confederate Flags hanging in their bedrooms?

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Because of the CEC…

A love of history.

President Trump is an authoritarian.

How do libs do it…almost 90 posts and counting of nothing but faux outrage.

No wonder society doesn’t take them serious.

Got an example?

They take us seriously but not literally.

FDR did not support anti-lynching laws. Big democrat hero…

Why don’t you post the actual definition of a lynching for openness?

Sounds like you were fed fake news…

Are you ok with trump equating the impeachment inquiry to his lynching?

Yes, Trump going around Congress trying to seize private property to build his wall.

" The Birth of a Nation (originally called The Clansman) is a 1915 American silent epic drama … It was the first American motion picture to be screened in the White House, viewed there by President Woodrow Wilson ."


Wilson was the original big govt democrat. The income tax put us all on his plantation…