Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge tells our 12yo President

Just remember, this now applies to all of them.

All of who? Presidents?

That makes sense. Just like they can’t remove unruly people from their offices or from the galleries.

Very useful following journalists and writers, tend to get some interesting insights.

I follow him for the comments. LOL!
Whenever he tweet something, much of it are lies or just him being ill informed about important things, folks on twitter absolutely murders this dude with facts. He does have the DDS (Delusional Defense Squad), but they to get flooded out with the truth, facts along with insults.

He and they can dish it out, but sure can’t take it.

If that’s the case Twitter should stop showdown banning people when they don’t like their tweets. Or is it only anti Trump people who have freedom of speech rights

Donald still has his Twitter account.

Oh, and Twitter banning people isn’t a first amendment issue.

Ignore ban!

It’s no different than people announcing they are ignoring someone. I guess in their mind it’s some sort of punishment? Weird.

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No. Public officials.

Are there examples of other public officials blocking people from their Twitter feeds?

Not that I know of. You think it hasn’t happened.

I don’t know, hence the question.