Trump cancels military parade, plans to attend parade in Paris

Holy cow - you mean Donald just saved the US taxpayers $83 million? OMG he’s the best! Most fiscally responsible president in the history of ever! MAGA :us:


So where do you think the president would have had his parade beside Pennsylvania Ave?

Perhaps he can use that leftover inauguration money.

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And Macron just cursed to himself in French.

Also, is there any way Trump knows which war they’re celebrating the end of?

I also doubt he cancelled it.

The article says it was done in coordination with the White House(which I missed at first) but I still think that’s face saving. Also, since it’s firmly established that Trump doesn’t know what the hell goes on at the White House even if it were done with them he probably wouldn’t know about it. Business Insider is reporting that $50 million of it was just for the military equipment, personnel and support alone. How you blame that on DC I have no idea. I’m sure it was another thing that he was watching on Fox this morning and had to tweet about to show he was in charge and how great he was.

And her parade no doubt would have cost eleventy-billion or more! :flushed:

How embarrassing for Trump!

That being said, being cancelled is the next best thing to having Trump’s heel spurs being run over by an M1.

Libs complained when Trump wanted a military parade. Now that Trump is giving the libs what they want, they’re mocking him? Seriously, you can’t win with these people.

Trump should un-cancel the parade and double the size of it. That’ll make libs heads explode.

This parade was only an ego-stroking stunt for the petulant child known as trump.

Yeah, but Hillary.

I went to DC last year for a work conference. NEVER AGAIN!!
45 minutes to travel 3 miles. Nope I’d rather shoot myself.

Less. First guy off the boat stomps his foot and they’ll surrender.

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One of the main reasons I moved. Congestion is awful.

As a citizen of The Republic whose Centgov tribute would have gone to pay for this and who had to march in a couple of these fool things:

Me too.

Its funny when people say the Soldiers marching in these things feel honored. MAYBE one out of every 100 Soldiers actually want to be involved in these dog and pony shows.

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DC is one of the greatest cities in the world. Come back, enjoy the sites, don’t be so stressed.

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Seeing the sites is really cool. The very first time I went decades ago I thought I could just walk around from Monument to Monument. What felt like 50 days later I reached the second one.

I’m sure Macron is thrilled he has to suffer Trump again.

I’m against all parades.