Trump Baby Balloon to Fly Over London

Obviously not in your country,you elected him.

Yeah. Turns out 25% of voters can really relate.

Last time I was over there about half the folks I ran into liked him.

Cool story bro.
“Overall the public have a negative opinion of Donald Trump. Just oven seven in ten (72%) UK adults believe that Donald Trump is a risk to international stability, while a similar proportion (71%) think he is untrustworthy.”

Your friend claimed Trump had zero respect in England.**

I know better from personal interaction with quite a few brits while I was over there.

Of course a few people there like him. They’re idiots in every country.

Well no it’s not zero, like with the rest of the world it’s actually in the double digits.

Yeah look at all the Hillary supporters. :grin:

You an EU fan? :grinning:

I’m impartial towards the EU unless we’re comparing them to Russia and if so then yes

Religious whackos that believe in one particular fairy tale would go nuts.

That particular group is about a century behind the other religious whackos in tempering their views.

Of course there are Trump supporters in the Uk but sorry mate the vast majority of opinion is against Trump.

The more he is ridiculed and embarrassed In the UK the better I Say. What’s really sad is that Trump actually has great potential but he is squandering it.

I’m sure the small sample of people you spoke to was representative of the entire UK population…

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Classy! :roll_eyes:

Trump has displayed no class towards the UK so why should anyone there give him any respect in return?

Says the Supporter of a President who uses twitter and his office to act in a way you are accusing others of doing.

A Prez with great policies. Bet you supported Hillary who is as nasty as they have ever come.

And you would lose that bet

You all deny it now. :rofl: