Trump asked Japan to buy 'huge amount' of US farm goods: report

Why are we begging Japan to buy soybeans? What’s the catalyst for this?

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You are not being fair.

Can’t you just pretend Japan has no military and owes us so much they should take every rotting soybean, just to placate Trump?


Translation:. I was wrong but I won’t admit it. I didn’t know that Japan has one of the best militaries in the world. Im going to try and move goalposts so I don’t seem as ridiculiously wrong(which isn’t working) so can we please move on because Im incapable of admitting my mistake. Even though I called other people grossly uninformed.


Japan does have a military for use if they are attacked - it’s called the Japan Self Defense Force.

Many Japanese want the US out if Japan. A percentage of our soldiers don’t behave very well over there…


From your post:

a dedicated amphibious force

What, pray tell, does that mean? A “dedicated amphibious force?” Can a nation have a military without having one of those?

And just like that, the goalposts grew legs and moved themselves downfield.

Or just have the audacity to admit it.

Just as 99% of Germans involved in WW2 are dead, so are the Japanese soldiers, etc.

Should their descendents be forced to pay for stuff they had nothing to do with?

(Point being, if whites today shouldn’t have to pay reparations to African Americans who were never slaves just as we’ve never been slave owners (and I don’t think we should), then why do we always bring up what Germans and Japanese today (as well as the French and the Brits) owe us for having won World War II when they don’t show us what a certain segment of the population believes should be “proper gratitude” for those long ago acts of ours.


Trump is self inflicting harm to our farmers.

It’s like shooting someone and asking for credit because you paid their hospital bills. Or you could have just not shot them.

That is not a wise choice of defensive military spending.

NO that would be stupid and only a lib would think of that! :roll_eyes:

Are all libs stupid?

Fake News. Trump would never say, “huge.”

Yes, except for the ones on Foxnews who agree with conservatives.

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Sounds like a good idea. And Does this mean dems want large trade deficits with commie/fascist tyrannical China? …

Why should they?

The only possible reason is because Japan would see China as a common enemy. So they’d want to support the US against China. (30 years ago I went to Japan to visit my sister who was in the Air Force and stationed there. I was looking forward to buying some Japanese-made clothing from stores “on the economy.” (i.e., actual Japanese stores, not on-base stores.)

Couldn’t do it. All the clothes they had, from yakatas to kimonos on down to everything else, had been made in China.

So if they don’t buy the soybeans, what do you think Trump will do to retaliate against them for refusing his “request”?

Yeah, because we’d never threaten to move troops out of a country if they don’t do what we want. Wait, we did that that four days ago? We threatened to move our troops from Germany to Poland because Germany isn’t at the 2% of GDP goal?

Not to mention China and their pet North Korea.