Trump admin will issue a Rescission request of $15,000,000,000 to congress on Tuesday

What is believed is this:

Good times are the opportunity for spending

Bad times demand spending

I call it bring a Keystone Keynesian … not a real Keynesian but a spendthrift loon version.

Thinking you’re doing good is only a pretext, an excuse. It’s still being spendthrift. Any no one is more spendthrift than the loons at the DNC.

Darn typos!

I hate not being able to edit!

That is your opinion. My opinion differs.

you silly Libs… deficits dont matter under a Republican president

No, I’m speaking about my suspicions that arise because though she was the presumptive winner, it’s simply the truth that her health was and is not good, that she could not count on completing her term of office to give her time to cement the overall Clinton legacy of greatness. ***

Speculation about what deals she may have had in the works, and what she’d indicated she’d be willing to give away along with the money to their foundation to get it … I’m glad we’ll never know. The ChiComs have a long history with the Clintons so maybe it would involve then in a token victory the media could crow about and lavish praise over forever (or at least till Christ returns) would have come with their involvement?

As for Kaine: he’s young, reasonably charismatic, unburdened with scandal and DNC swamp through and through. He’s also NOT Bernie. I think he was the DNC’s long term plan, finishing out her term and two more. I still think he’s who will be running in 2020.

*** the legacy that Clintonistas been chattering about since not long after he was first elected, and which is so tawdry that after 9/11 one of their number actually lamented on a talking head show that the timing of the attacks denied Bill Clinton an opportunity to show his greatness.

Trump failed to get the cuts passed.

And that’s that, another trump initiative that goes over like a lead ballon.


anyone keeping track of the national debt threads started by Trump Republicans since the election?

i keep saying this but i’m a thousand times more fiscally conservative than almost all Trump Republicans on this board.

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To be fair this really has nothing to do with Trump. the vast majority of Republicans have always been about tax cuts regardless of whether or not they could get spending cuts to go along with them.

I was going to make a joke about attending the next local Tea Party rally. Instead, i decided to google to see if there actually were Tea Party groups in my area. Nope.

Instead, i found what this particular Tea Party (tea party patriots) group’s priorities were lately. It’s nice that they even label their talking points for easy reference.

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Hayek also undestood that a guaranteed wage was inevitable and necessary as automation took the place of workers.

Some form of a guaranteed wage has been talked about since before the founding of this country.

What I see happening now is a systematic selling of the commons to private interests under the argument that people getting “free goodies” is screwing them.

So the benefits of the economy, tax policy and spending is overwhelmingly benefiting the top and leaving the bottom behind.

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Some years ago Congress found a hundred million dollars that they’d misplaced.

Now, that seem like a fortune to you or I but to Congress, and we must be fair that this is about the only true bipartisan anything, it represented what they could proverbially piss off on a slow Sunday morning before breakfast. Almost like you or I going out for breakfast tacos money.

Yet despite that they were practically salavating over how to spend the windfall.

What we need is a bonus / fine rule for congressional pay: if they run a surplus (no accounting trick allowed) then they get a bonus BUT if they run a deficit outside of wartime then they are aggressively, progressively fined up to the value for all forms of congressional compensation, including imputed rent paid on their otherwise free offices or health care and charged against their future congressional retirement packages.

The problem with the Road to Serfdom is that’s the central contention of the book-that Britain would become a Nazi like fascist state-was dead wrong.

If they are funding programs that are not active or don’t exist, this makes sense…even the medicaid/medicare programs are programs that don’t require further funding. I think that Schumer’s comments are disingenuous to say the least. I like the idea of congress returning 15 billion dollars for programs that don’t need funding, and are virtually non existent at this point.

And the fact that Schumer complains about this says exactly why this Congress is horrible. Spend spend and Spend…even on programs that are outdated, obsolete, or don’t exist anymore other than on paper.

For once…I kinda agree with the TRUMPSTER…

CHIP programs that are not even in use any more…did you read the article or just skim for the word CHIP.

Nearly half of the $15 billion — $7 billion — will come from two accounts in the Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The White House sees the cuts as uncontroversial because the money represents unspent funds from expired programs, such as a fund to reimburse some state expenses in fiscal 2017.