Trump Admin Gives OK to Sell Nuclear Tech to Saudis

Only if you’re lib suffering from TDS do you believe that!

Yeah, yeah we know that President Trump strokes the ego of the midget NK dictator scumbag for the probably reason to get something from him which we have!
And I’ve said before if President Trump is really “besties” with Putin then he is one of Vlads worst friends, :open_mouth: since Trump has slapped more sanctions on Russia then any other President and he has told all of Europe “DO NOT” buy oil from Russia! Wow what a pal huh!

You’re much too kind spelling it out in Comic Sans and with crayon.

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If we’re being honest here, we haven’t gotten a damned thing from NK. As for sanctions against Russia, Congress has imposed sanctions against them while Trump has dragged his feet implementing them.

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“Pompeo said the State Department is still looking into the assistance Saudi Arabia could receive from U.S. companies on nuclear development and how to prevent the country from developing nuclear weapons.”

More Dems in a frenzy over nothing.

“IP3 was formed as a bipartisan company to support the development of a public-private model for the peaceful introduction of nuclear power by the United States and its allies,” said Mike Hewitt, CEO of IP3. “There are concerns over Russia and China’s expansion into global nuclear power development and the inherent geo-political and national security issues. The Middle East is but one region where this competition is playing out and currently the United States and its industry are not competitive in this growing market.”

We already know this. They would train down in Alabama and then move over to saudia arabia when the real plants are built.

Or waiting for the twelfth Imam.

The whole point of the article is the administration has been evasive in this area.

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Who knew that republicans, republicans, the very people who have screamed about the crazies in the Middle East forever, would let Trump get away with just about anything as long as he moves some money around for a wall.

This is another opportunity for republicans to take a stand.

Didn’t most of the 9/11 terrorists come from Saudi Arabia?

It appears, with the GOP 2019, anything can be forgiven.

Thus why Trump believed Putin (Russia) over our own intelligence community (aka America).

And Trump said he’s in love with Kim.

The daily beast lol. And umm, nuclear energy is not nuclear weapons.

Uranium one!

This thread is funny as hell.

Nothing to see here folks, it’s just nuclear energy!

You would think how to build a reactor is a secret only we know or something lol.

If it’s not a big secret, then why are we selling this technology to a muslim country?

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Oh? You have a problem with muslims now? In any case, what difference is there between modern reactor technology versus outdated reactor technology in terms of nuclear weapon proliferation? The answer is of course it depends on what kind of reactor we’re talking about. The article doesn’t give that detail. As an example, fast neutron reactors are far less of a proliferation problem, since they don’t require enrichment or long term storage. So if thats the tech they are being given it actually reduces the risk.

You can read here why and how not all reactor designs pose the same proliferation risks.

If we are giving them low proliferation risk tech to forestall them from getting help to build much higher risk reactors, that’s a good thing.