Transgender regret, how many more stories are there like this?

More likely by white prog champions.


No way, these kids are a goldmine for big pharma and medicine. 1.4 million average.


Good point, the wannabe transgenders, who claim to be one when asked for a survey.

I grew up knowing that a wannabe was always more dangerous than the real thing.


I wouldn’t blame her if she became a mass shooter.

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A customer cured is a customer lost. Those drug dealers doctors need to make a living, after all!

I would, but I wouldn’t be without understanding. I didn’t ask for this overwhelming sense of empathy. :rofl:

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Of my two young adult daughters and their husband and boyfriend, I am told three out of four of them identify as queer. I know three of the four have never been in anything but hetero relationships. It’s politics and mental illness.


Conservatives grooming this teen into believing she made the wrong decision. Perverts.

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I’m just glad it was cool to simply be black when I was a kid. :rofl:

You don’t get to decide if you are a boy or a girl.

There’s always one dedicated, triggered lib per transgender thread dying and flailing on that perverted hill. :person_shrugging:

The head freak-a-zoid

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Hand-picked by a known Kid Sniffer at that.


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Such a gift to republicans really, they are going to get massacred on this. Too bad so many kids will suffer.

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Not all libs believe in sexually mutilating little kids, but virtually anyone who believes in sexually mutilating little kids is a lib.

Weird how that works.


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Conservatives are so triggered by people who don’t want anything to do with them.

Then they start grooming those evils trans/gay teens into believing they are wrong. Why won’t conservatives leave teens alone? Very Roy Moore of them.

I talked my wife into never voting for democrats again as long as they support this crap. Thanks dems, been working on that for a decade.

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Keep it coming, have all dem candidates shout it from the rooftops. Love it. :heart:

Dems now have to actually run on things like abortion and child mutilation. God that’s so gross. :rofl:


Wait until they get a good look of what voters think lol.

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