Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

I saw Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Saturday, and I enjoyed it.

It was better than the last Transformers movie (not counting Bumblebee). There were some good action scenes, and I liked Pete Davidson’s performance.

I can’t wait to see what’s the next installment will be.

I recommend everyone to see it.

I give it a grade of an B.



At least it had a somewhat followable plot this time. I wish it followed the last movie in the timeline, though, takes place in 1994. They’re just retelling tales and filling plot holes for other movies at this point.

I give it a C at best, again just for an actual followable plot.


I am watching it for the 2nd time. I want to give it the benefit of the doubt. But so far i am not too impressed. It is indeed much better than the last knight transformers. But compared to the first transformers movie, its trash.

After the first one, they forgot what a cut scene was. The whole series is kind of hard to follow as a result.

The best one from a flow pov was Bumblebee.

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But what if there was a GORILLA transformer??

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My fav was the T-Rex transformer.

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I have to admit i do like the bumblee movie. It did have a great storyline