Toxic masculinity and white privilige. What to do?

You are the only person here who thinks that the term toxic masculinity is a “label” assigned to people.

“Libs don’t like the military, the police, firemen and other first responders or macho cowboys that like to shoot guns, drive trucks , and hunt”…Says who?

Trying to get through to someone by accusing them of having toxic masculinity is probably the worst way you can do it with the exception of calling them an A hole and saying "we’re here to help.

Hope that helps.

Who has been accused of “having” toxic masculinity?

It’s not a condition.

Quite an interesting deflection there. Couldn’t give an answer about INCEL, eh?

White privilege is not some “made up condition”.

That you may not have experienced it or recognized it when you saw it does not negate its existence.

I have personally benefited in my life from White Privelege. It does exist.

My small midwest town where I was born in 1957, and raised, was a " sundown town" where it was still “understood” until my early teens.

I was hired by various companies in my life where it came to my knowledge that the owners would not have hired me if I had been black or hispanic. They only hired whites.

So even coming from humble beginnings, son of a single mother who worked a shoe factory job, and going on to work manual labor jobs myself, I still experienced the special privileges of being white.

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So…your answer is NO…you don’t find INCEL to be toxic.

“Do” what, exactly?

And who is “they”?

Nobody’s being labeled.

I don’t understand why this is causing a defensive response.

You have been given clear examples of what the term means yet it is getting internallized as an attack.

Why is that?

More fuel for the fire.

Nice word salad. Totally meaningless but…

You should put some ranch on it.

Everyone in America who prepares for life has an excellent chance for success. If you give the effort, you are almost guaranteed success. Regardless of race. Corporate America loves to hire qualified minorities. They absolutely love it! I have worked for four multinational corporations. There is no doubts about this. Poor parenting, drugs, the lack of a father figure at home, dropping out of school, teenaged motherhood, etc, dwarfs the idea of white privilege. Focus on the big issues. Not the goofy labels.

Nope its absolutely true.

Meaningless hogwash but thanks…

Still true…

I heartily endorse anyone that doesn’t believe toxic masculinity exists to take a stroll over to r/niceguys, r/neckbeardthings and r/inceltears or just Google the latest misogynist flappery “the Thot audit.”

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None of that negates the reality that in America White Privelege has existed and no doubt still does.

Look at the Republican Congress, a perfect example of late was the Kavanaugh hearing, you don’t get to be such a good old tightie white boys club like that by accident.

Clarence Thomas.

Are you a white privileged man in this country?