TOO LITTLE, TOO LATTE? Dems Threaten STARBUCKS BOYCOTT Should former CEO Run as Independent | Sean Hannity

Democrats across the country mulled a potential Starbucks boycott Monday; saying the former CEO would likely split the liberal vote in the 2020 election should Howard Schultz run as a third-party candidate.

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Hey, the Democrats thought it was great when Perot siphoned off votes for George H W Bush. Guess it’s not so great if it could affect them.

First they take our words
Then they take our faith
And our security
And our Safety
And they want our money
And our healthcare
And they want to get rid of our President
And…now…they want to take our privilege for whom to vote.

From now we must ask Democrats permission from whom to vote.

Good. They are feeding on their own now. Happy dance