Thug Culture State of Mind

Very few.

No, because “asteroids” are not our greatest extraterrestrial threat.

Meteorites or comets might be what you’re thinking of.

You’re trying very hard to misunderstand the phrase.

The threat is domestic terrorism.

If you are trying to argue that domestic terrorism isn’t something we should be worried about, I agree completely.

So what is the threat? Please define it for me.

You don’t understand what the threat of domestic terrorism is?

It’s the likelihood of domestic terrorism occurring.

Help me understand your definition. In mine, someone has to die.


The “threat” of domestic terrorism is the likelihood that domestic terrorism will occur.

Who has to die?

Your turn…fill in the blank.

Is this what you think debate is?

When I indicate that I don’t understand what you’re trying to say, that’s when you’re supposed to clarify - not act like a stage magician.

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If someone died then it went from a threat to a murder or actual terrorism

Hear! Hear! :+1: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Well, white supremacists are not out greatest threat from terrorism either, so it’s a fair comparison regardless what you call the missiles from space.

Mothers: famous for not telling their children to go to school and work hard؟

And consequences.

:rofl: No, that’s not the meaning of threat in that statement.

Define what you label “domestic terrorism”?

Absolutely not but the sound of just the female voice, doesn’t have the same level of enforcement if the child says no. It takes both the mother and the father, unitedly and lovingly guiding their child into adulthood on an educational road.

My definition is irrelevant - it’s the FBI’s definition that matters:

Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

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Nice. Now applying that definition to the actual events would be interesting.

Thank you and that’s my point. Where are these violent, criminal acts from the number one threat? When I witness the violent criminal acts each weekend, it’s mostly from the inner cities around the country. If this is number one according to the FBI, there should be even more elsewhere being committed by white supremacists on display…agreed? Where are they?


Read the whole sentence, not just the part you can twist the meaning of.