Throw it out no longer needed

And there is nobody I trust more to determine what rights I get to keep than the democratic party and their idiot in chief.

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18"? Ya right!

And your government decided what “arms” meant. And then used it to limit your access.

What were pressure cookers designed to do?

Where? It’s not in the BoR

No one is banning all guns. We already ban many guns.

Where is any legislature being considered to ban ALL guns?

If the government says it isn’t an arm… then it isn’t. They set the rules.

The inability to understand the Constitution is the problem.

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Sure, sure. Nobody has made the argument that ARs are not arms that I’ve seen.

You do realize that has never been the basis for challenge, right? Maybe not.

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But that’s not whats happening, these ridiculous examples get brought out when talking about every issue from guns to abortion when they go straight to the .001% who was raped and got and abortion. I have never seen anyone with an anti aircraft gun in their yard and I wouldn’t support them having one just as I wouldn’t support them having a stinger missile but that’s not what he’s going after it will be the AR-15 type guns as well as gun magazines and it’s not going to have any effect on the amount murdered.


:rofl: I was speaking Wokish. I agree with you, you don’t understand it at all.

Has the government said it isn’t an arm? I’d like to see it please.

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So…in 1789, the founders were aware of the arms we would have today?

The 18th Amendment begs to differ.


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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Not that I am aware of but Biden could if he wanted to.

What is or isn’t an “arm” is defined by the government.

'Cause your business is now their business. It is the bi-product of too much time on their hands.

The Gladys Kravitz’ of the world have come out of their hidey- holes.


It was absolute. Until it was nullified. But you knew that. How many times has the Bill of Rights been amended?

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