Three years after, Americans are more ok with events of January 6, 2021

Comparatively to 2020 … I’d say 2000 went about as well as it could have.

I can understand Gore wanting a recount. It was close. But he lost the recount. Now Gore isn’t accepting any deadlines and continuing to take it to court. He had to have a court order to accept the results. Not quite as bad as Trump. But if it were left up to Gore, we’d still be counting today.

A bit passive aggressive there ? :upside_down_face:


How dare you question ManBearPig.

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He’s probably still miffed that someone apparently threatened to hang him during that whole Jan 6th ■■■■ show.

Understandable really. I rewatched Crimson Tide last (one of my favorite movie ever) and at the end of the movie where the Captain puts a M9 in the face of that enlisted soldier I can say he handled that aftermath way more professionally than I would have. They’d have fired me from the Navy for punching a Captain in the face.

My point being that someone is gonna stay miffed after something like that.

I swear to this day, had Gore not been the democrat candidate, I probably would have voted democrat. I voted for Clinton the last election, and I didn’t like Bush. Half man, half bear, and half pig. Manbearpig.

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I want to be first.

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Still doesn’t bother me.

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Key principle there is loser. :wink:

Obviously not. As protests go, it was a flop. :wink:


Only recounting the 4 most heavily democrat counties.

They didn’t recount all of them if my memory is correct.

Very revealing that we voted against him here in TN his home state.

If he carried TN Fla would not have mattered. :grinning:


If he carried NH, the only red spot in the northeast, Florida wouldn’t have mattered.

The initial recount was statewide. The second recount was by hand, and in four democrat counties. Then Secretary of state Harris refused to extend the deadline in the Florida election code. Because she had no reason to do so. There was no act of God or bomb threats that cost them time. It should have been over right there, but Gore wouldn’t accept it.

At one point Al Gore put in a legal challenge stating Palm Beach county had a confusing ballot. That it caused many voters to vote for Pat Buchanan instead of him. IMO this is what lost Gore the state. Pat got way too many votes there. He himself admitted it. But there’s no way to fix this. This is when we started to see all of the Re-Vote signs. Remember them?


You won’t see too many signs. But you’ll hear it over and over again. Fascinating.

That’s because you can’t fix stupid.

If there was any action to be taken because voters were too stupid to figure out their ballot, then all the Buchanan votes should have been voided. (And, of course, that’s not going to happen.) Toss the stupid votes. But some campaigns count on stupid voters, so there’s that.

I think all these years later people realize that in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t that big of a deal or the end of the world.

Which is why Dems were so stupid for focusing on it so much this past campaign cycle and making it the biggest deal ever for four years straight. Best thing the Feds could have done was basically say “we are gonna do a truth and reconciliation hearing over this, and anyone that participated should come forward and offer their testimony. In exchange, we swear to leave you alone and bury this forever.”

Something tells me that would have went much better for everyone instead of trying to throw bridges at people over it.

Instead folks (mostly libs) were literally acting like it was the rebirth of the Confederacy or something. Really stupid overreaction. These things happen in a republic or a democracy. Learn to live with it.

How I learned to love the bomb should have been the attitude with Jan 6th.

After I posted I got a good look at the ballot in question. It was not confusing at all. All names had arrows clearly pointing where to vote for each candidate. If you were lazy and just punched the second one down because Gore was the second name down, you voted for Pat. Pat was on the other page with an arrow clearly pointing to that spot.

Dems have denied every election loss for the last 25 years, that horse has grown pretty high in 3 weeks.