Thoughts About "Kompromat"; or What Do They Have on Him (Them)?

No arguments then? Just name calling. Let the wars begin, then.

There was no attack. Just the usual spy v spy stuff. Remember reading about how Germany invaded Poland? That is an attack.

Mob. Money. Mob Money.

“Active measures”

Oh ok so hacking into computer systems now isnt an attack. Wow you guys are losing your minds.

The entire US intelligence community seems to disagree.

Should have used Lifelock.

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What happens to a person when they decide to place their loyalty not to the United States, it’s Constitution, and the defense of both, but instead places their loyalty to a single man and the political party he aligned himself with. Very unfortunate.

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I’m thinking dirty money.

Sounds bad. Know any other stories?

Except now you have to say that George Soros owns the senior advisor to the president since Kushner owes Soros.

Is Kushner planting bugs for Soros? Is he undermining Trumps agenda and creating openings for Soros to control large parts of the executive branch? He must be… right?

Quit dwelling on the past man. Also HILLARY

You didn’t mention Hillary or Obama. Your Fearless Leader will be mad at you.

Yes, so I’m going with “all of the above”.

I expect prize money when I winl

Agreed. If the entirety of it is ever revealed we’ll all be shocked by the stench of corruption that Donald has wallowed in for most of his life.



It is bad. And it’s not a story. We all see you man.

You realize of course, it’s not like the people in charge of ferreting out law breaking that can be discovered by looking at someone’s tax returns don’t have access to his tax returns, right?

Lol what?
It’s too early for this dumbness.

We will? I dont think a lot of us will be shocked at all…

Anyways I think it’s as bad as it looks. Blackmail i can understand…you will garner some sympathy from people…willingly taking help as some quid quo pro makes it much worse. That’s if we are to believe wheeler and what she is reporting.

I think trump is scared of him because he is Putin. He murders people who cross him. You could see it at the presser. Trump was cowed and talked with no power in his voice…that was telling.

Perhaps in the end it’s all real…these people in the end wanted to win. The gop has always been about tossing anyone under the bus in order to win. The Christian right want their Version of America and they decided to sleep with the devil and look like hypocrite in order to stick it to gays and ban abortion. So the gop looks the other way mostly because they are also getting what they want. Judges and laws that suit them. Deregulation out the wazoo…