To sign a every citizen a social credit score. The more you kiss the ass of goverment the higher your score which allows you to buy a home, send your kids to a private school…to fly even.
But if you don’t kiss libs (I mean Goverment) ass you can’t own property, or to be able to fly etc.
And then of course the surveillance system. Libs sure love their big brother don’t they?
Admit it libs. You guys think people should be graded on their social/political views. And depending on the grades will allow what privilege you’re allowed.
This is interesting…how the scoring system is kept secret so it 's open to abuse…
Where have I read this before? Oh yeah now I know.
Ken Dewoskin has studied China’s economic and political culture for more than three decades. He says how the new scoring system truly works is kept secret and could be easily abused by the government.