This is what indoctrination looks like

Critical thinking is not “being critical”.

Are kids that age capable of critical thinking?

When I tell my children not to talk to strangers or to look both ways when crossing the street, I don’t want them second guessing me.

But yet you have no problem second guessing other people.

You haven’t answered…Are kids that age that go to a religious school being indoctrinated?

Deflection is noted.

Exactly…thanks for admitting it at least.

parent send their kids to private school for a reason.

Is this public school private?

As I said in my OP…this is what indoctrination looks like. Are you saying it isn’t?


It looks to me like preschool.

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Either way is that not indoctrination?

Parents need to pull em.

Of course not…they believe in Santa, magical bunnies, and other magical characters.

Once they get older, most figure out the con.

Is a song about washing your hands “indoctrination”?


Deflection is noted.

Any song about hygiene and safety would be “indoctrination”

So is the problem with that children are learning by rote through use of song or that they shouldn’t be wearing a mask?

Anything that shows your selective use of the word is a deflection …we get it.

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Yes, preschool is indoctrination. Are people just now realizing that? They don’t teach kids that young to think for themselves.


I’d be shocked if the parents weren’t fully aware that masks are required at that preschool.

Another one of these threads that makes me sad because there is a subgroup of people who have given up any pretense of rational argumentation and instead make silly posts that kids are being indoctrinated because of a mask song.

It used to be tiresome.

Now it’s simply sad.

Especially since some of these people actually used to make legit arguments.

Now they’re just caricatures.


[insert meme here]


What sad is libs at one time accused schools of indoctrination all the time. Now that they’re indoctrination what libs want they’re all for it.
