This is how you handle fascist goons and bullies

Well isn’t that a convenient answer…lol

Sorry man, but that is all ■■■■■■■■ conspiracy theory nonsense. The FBI isn’t involved because Antifa isn’t an organization much less a national one. This would be a local law enforcement situation.

The NSA and FBI certainly know. Why haven’t they done anything to disrupt Antifa?

The logical explanation is the FBI has its agents/informers in leadership positions in Antifa and considers Antifa to be a useful ally.


Yes. American exceptionalism has come to mean that Americans are exceptionally naive and gullible.

The FBI has supported similar front groups to use violence and intimidation in the past:

In 1971 in San Diego, the FBI financed, armed, and controlled an extreme right-wing group of former members of the Minutemen anti-communist paramilitary organization, transforming it into a group called the Secret Army Organization that targeted groups, activists, and leaders involved in the Anti-War Movement, using both intimidation and violent acts.

In the Vietnam era, the targets were anti-war groups. Now the targets are Trump supporters or anyone who vocally objects to the party line from Washington.

The FBI is just going back to its old tricks. The difference is that now the surveillance technology has massively improved, and the FBI/CIA effectively control most of the media.


There is zero evidence that the FBI has any ties to Antifa. Conspiracy theory. Why can’t you just accept Antifa for who they say they are?

In the Vietnam era, the targets were anti-war groups. Now the targets are Trump supporters or anyone who vocally objects to the party line from Washington.

If Antifa were being sicked on anyone who vocally objects to the party line from Washington there were be a whole lot more incidences.

The FBI has done an incredibly bad job of controlling violence and prosecuting Antifa terrorism.

Either it is in bed with Antifa, or it is incredibly incompetent. Either way the FBI should be defunded immediately.

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I prefer to simply avoid putting myself into any kind of confrontational situation. I’ve been able to do that successfully for all of my 70 years.

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There is no national Antifa, its a bunch of independent local groups, so wouldn’t that be more of a local/state law enforcement situation than the jurisdiction of the FBI?

No. You’re overthinking this. Take a deep breath and settle down. I’ll explain it for you. (And you still won’t get it).

If a group dons combat gear and does unprovoked beatings of people with the intent of shutting down their voices then yes, they are fascists. Are you catching on yet? Answer: Nope.


How do you know it was unprovoked?

When did fascism stop meaning: " a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

Like most Libs they are quite the opposite of what they say they are.

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They are. They obviously felt safe attacking that group in LA. :grinning:

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If “Red Guard” is a better term, I’ll change it accordingly.

I’m no longer playing those games. It was the same routine for months - BLM organizes a “protest,” violence follows some events, then BLM automatically claims they have no association with the violent elements that repeatedly show up at said BLM events, all while their leadership claims “Looting is reparations.”


You could test the theory and send them a tip on any fascist gatherings you know of in conservative areas, then see if they show up.

Yes, that is a good description of the Democratic Party platform, which closely parallels the fascist ideology of the Peoples Republic of China. Both agree that white Americans are inherently evil and deserving of abuse. Both agree that China deserves a place of honor and deference.

Democrats have endorsed Chinese-style draconian lockdowns and censorship of political speech. Democrats support surveillance, harassment, and imprisonment of political opponents without trial.

Since the time of Mao, China has morphed from Communist to Fascist ideology. Like the Democrats, they favor crony capitalism, and the party elite has has made billions in insider dealings. Meanwhile Democrats have abandoned commitment to civil liberties and openly support fascist authoritarian policies directed toward their political opponents.

The FBI is the secret police. Antifa are the modern brownshirts. Both are working to create a fascist dictatorship.

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Don’t be silly.

Besides, beating up people is the least of their actions.

Here’s the Democratic Party’s platform: Party Platform - Democrats
Please show where they advocate for nation and race over the individual. Please show where they support an autocratic government headed by a dictator. Please show where they support severe economic and social regimentation. Please show where they support the forcible suppression of the opposition and the imprisonment of political opponents without trial.

Thinking Antifa is fascist is silly.

Sure there is. The Democrats give them tacit approval, particularly at the local level.


You are sounding like Bagdad Bob. :wink: