Think Somebody Should Tell Her?

Oh by the way, she was live streaming a speech on equity on youtube earlier today, 136 viewers and I kept an eye on the viewer count for like an hour.

We good?

An administration populated by idiots.

Way to go Biden voters. Your president can barely string a sentence together and has literally broken everything he’s touched. Your Vice President is recognized as one of the dumbest most out of touch fools in American politics.


The biggest bunch of racially intolerant people in America exist on the liberal left.


And as someone who has been in education I can tell you (and her) that by and large black (in particularly native born) and Latino students don’t pursue the STEM majors.

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This is exactly why I will always reject any Democratic Party attempts at universal healthcare. They don’t actually care about medical treatment, it’s always been about social engineering and control.

I don’t care WHAT color, ethnicity, gender, or identity my cardiologist is - I want them to save my life.

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America is grappling with a contest featuring the sane vs the insane. Kommie has no idea what the hell “looks like America” means…

There’s a reason that kook was the first democrat to drop out if the primaries…now she’s a heartbeat away from an office she’s totally unqualified to hold…which is currently being held by a 78 year old man in declining mental health.

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Have spent more time than I care to in hospitals and drs offices in Dallas and Tampa over the last 5 years…most of the health care workers including nurses were black, Latino and/or Oriental…surgical personnel of all ethnicities…

And since they were doing things like cutting a family member open I only cared about their qualifications…and they appeared to all be really good.

Health care is not an industry where you want to be compromising just to fill quotas.


Where are you from? There’s a ton of black nurses where I live.

Most RNs are white. LPNs are pretty evenly split.

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In the land of the liberal left everything is racist…

So much so that nothing is racist.

Which is tragic. Racism is a serious idea…it should not be trivialized or watered down by dumb people trying to score stupid cheap political points.

No. Prog.

These ■■■■■■■ people cannot stop obsessing over race! Utterly ■■■■■■■ pathetic people.


Yeah, my experience may be entirely geographical. But I can tell you that I am also not in an underserved community, so I don’t know.

Well…I don’t wanna share that, but I will tell you that I am in one of the “whitest” states by population. Even all of the veterinarians I have used over the years were white.

That makes sense then.

My state has the highest number of black people as a percentage of the population in the country.

So I see a lot of black nurses.

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What you guys are saying is your health care workers look like your communities…

Kinda sounds like the first step in looking like America doesn’t It?


Not really, the general practitioners look decidedly ethnic while the specialists look predominantly white. In my experience. Nursing n my area is predominately white as well. Who cares. I only care about competency and if anyone can find demonstrable racism in the process, I am all for cleaning it up. But don’t try and point to outcomes as a sign of inequity.

Then you must live in a VERY “white” area. Where I live it is nothing like that. When my wife had her neck surgery in August, close to half of her nurses and aides fell into one of those categories. When I had my knee replaced, I spent 4 days in the hospital and several of my nurses fell into one of those categories.

Ok, that explains it.