There is still plenty of democrat operatives

High School, maybe community college. We hate education remember.

The dems aren’t angry, they’re superior.

Didn’t you tell me you were superior?

We aren’t discussing me. Please stay on topic and avoid personal posts. I have lifted my self-imposed ban on flagging.

Conservatives are saying they are superior.

No, they aren’t. They have no business deciding who is going to run the country. They aren’t worthy.

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I’ve seen them say so right here on this forum.

Take it up with them, I’m a liberal.

I am taking it up with them.

Good luck.

They keep running away.

I’m eating pasta…seems about the same

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No that’s hydra.

When the “independent thinkers” all start mouthing the same catch phrases, I start to doubt the truth. I’m not buying any of this.

You last me on that comment.

I ain’t selling you anything, darling LucyLou. Have a blessed day. To Al Bagdaddy, all I can say is Allah Akbar.

As for anyone running away from a discussion or question, liberal progressives may hold the record for not facing reality. I said, “may” to encourage discussion. I am not always right or claim to be as alluded to by some forum brothers and sisters.

Clapper is not reading this thread. Just a head up.

Drop outs. We’z don’t needz noes stinkin liebural indoktrinashun centers. (Sic)

Independent thinkers are always thinking the same thing. Just like everybody else. That isn’t what makes them independent. They’re independent thinkers because everybody else is always wrong. Even when they’re really not. They used to just call them contrarians before disagreeing with popular opinion became cool and all. :wink:

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I’m fairly certain Trump signed an executive order requiring everything legally to be about Trump.