The world sucks (National news media’s message to you)

Of course not. ABC, NBC and CBS were mirror images of each other. Everybody was fed the same political line. If you didn’t agree with what they fed you, then you were automatically an extremist, even if most people in the country agreed with you.
Freedom of speech was great with them, until technology made it available to the peons.

“It’s their fault - look how stupid they are” and “Bad news for this group I don’t like” articles are pervasive.

We have access to millions of examples of this content.

Sharing this content is what is most likely to get us smiley faces, which in turn a) send a shot of chemicals to our brains making us want to get more and b) increase reach of this content on the platforms.

This is not an easy problem to address.

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Lol. This thread can be summed up nicely with


The screw has turned and the last 4 years of calling your political opponents greedy racists has come to its inevitable end, so we need to come together and sing kumbaya while the new regime runs roughshod without any scrutiny.

I’m fine with our differences, see you on the field of battle.


That’s not true.

That’s really silly.

The research cited in the thread looks at 2016-2020 and identifies no difference in how left or right behave regarding how media writes or what we share.

I’m primarily interested in things like Facebook’s algorithmic changes circa 2018 that impacted how content was “rated” and elevated.

“I don’t care” is the language of the willfully ignorant.

Or maybe they just reported the news, and didn’t politicize it?

Yeah no political divide in the sixties and seventies. Unless you count those whole civil rights and vietnam war things.

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Why isn’t your focus on MySpace or Parler?

The news has always been politicized. It may have been more palatable in the past because it fit your bias.


The biggest control they had was to decide what was the news.

Because things are far more harmonious than you are lead to believe by that stupid TV.

I’m sorry you’re stuck in a ■■■■■■ doughnut around a dirty hole, but places like that are sprinkled mostly around the rough edges of an otherwise beautiful country full of beautiful neighbors, which stretches from sea to shining sea.

Population centers like the one you’re stuck in always become a cancer on humanity.


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Just another example of harmonious America.

Only got one post in this time. :rofl:

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And it was awesome! You claimed america is more harmonious than you think, then you called a poster’s home a “a cancer on humanity.”

Too funny!

Yup. Pretty much a real time confirmation of my objection to the Schneider meme.

Only because you need it to be. 150 million people make you wrong. :wink:

I don’t need anything.

Yes you do. :rofl:

During the 1800 presidential election the Federalists claimed that Jefferson was a Jacobin radical who was going to start guillotining people in the streets of Washington.

Politics have always been like that.

Wait…is this another plea to let libs own the media narrative, and all other pov’s must be regulated to that end?