The white liberal Clinton supporter

She did apologize for calling the cops. Maybe there’s hope.

So many directions to point fingers? Who is at fault? What is at fault? Why the sadness, madness and mayhem? What is the root cause? Police? Racism? What?

Let’s take this very complex issue with so many possibilities for blame and isolate the root cause, shall we? How is a child created? Who is responsible for this creation? Those same two and their lack of love, nurturing, providing for, teaching and guiding this child into adulthood, girding them with the tools necessary to take on the responsibilities and possibilities of adulthood…ARE THE CAUSE…PERIOD.

If this problem is fixed, it will fix sooooooooo many more that are also related. My gosh people. Open your eyes to the reality of life and see it for what it is. Hate and violence later on as an adult…are the replacement for their lack of love…early on as a child. That’s the truth. Now…who can handle the truth?

One thing is for sure, they’re not to bright for fall for the Russian collusion lie!

so the person who madethe call to the cops on he bird watcher got fired from her job and sued to get her job back. she lost in court today.

news full of good news today.
