The Weirdness of polls

Opinions are what fuels the political system. The national polls show that the majority opinion of Americans aligns with Republicans on each of those issues. If the majority thinks they are better ideas, then they are better ideas as far as voting is concerned.

Yes … it is.

“Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of em’ are stupider than that."

Never underestimate the stupidity of the voter.

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What will you say if he wins?

If only people were smarter, Republicans would never lose. :sweat_smile:

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I’ll say Haley would have been a better president.

You jest. But there is much truth to that. When the topic of voter turnout comes up, I always take the position that if you don’t care enough to vote, you almost certainly don’t care enough to become informed on what you are voting for. In my opinion, we should be encouraging uninformed people to not vote because they taint the results. In fact, (again IMO) the ideal voter turnout is one … Me.

Does Michael know that you are in love with his wife?

I’m smart enough to realize that I don’t have all the answers.

No. Does Melania know that you are in love with her husband? (It’s purely platonic, I’m sure, the man is hideous.)


Don’t worry. I will cast my vote in your best interests. :wink:

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What gives you the idea that I support Trump? Haven’t you been listening to me in this conversation? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Are you serious? Don’t tell me you’re not going to vote for Trump.

I’ll say it again. Early in the primary I thought I was gonna be a DeSantis voter, but by the time it was over, Nikki Haley was the ONLY candidate from either party to come out against government spending.

So, she was my gal.

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Of course I’m serious. Read my posts. Just because I agree with his policies, particularly with regard to Alaska, over Biden’s and Harris’s does not mean I support either him or his candidacy. I have been consistently critical of Trump as a person and as a politician since he entered the scene in 2016. And even in this thread I told you that I have the enviable position due to my time zone to vote for anybody but Trump or Harris without having an effect on the outcome. The probability of Trump needing my vote to win Alaska to win a majority of electoral votes is in the neighborhood of 0.000000000001%

But with those odds in mind, if it were to come down to my vote to decide the election, then yes, I would vote for Trump.

This brings us back to the issue of voter turnout … If I were the only person voting, I would not vote for Harris.

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Spot ON !

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Hahahaha :joy:

Democrats are lazy. Thinking is actualy hard work.
That explains why they are not smart enough.
They find it easier to take someone’s word for it than to do their own thinking and then deciding on issues.
That’s why they appear more cohesive and united.

I hope it makes you feel better looking down on your political opponents.

You love when the left acts like they know better. I am sure of it

Be better?

I’m sorry, have talking points changed? Because it used to be the complaint that libs thought they were so much smarter than everyone else, especially fly over people in “real America” and were so damn elitist that they couldn’t deal with regular folk. When did that change?

Yeah…looking down on them, yes.
At least I am not shooting them or throwing them in prison like THEY do their Political opponents.
My words don’t hurt them a bit unless they feel they’re not loved enough.