The weaponization of the FBI continues

maybe. but they’d have to stop being the enforcement arm of the democrat party first

? Totally his style. I mean I can’t think of anybody else who was sued with Epstein for the rape and threats against a 13 year old besides Donald Trump. He is the number one person to think about when you think about Epsteins Clients.

Especially when they prosecute democrats

that would be something.

Oh please. Sixty DOJ agents dedicated to getting Trump on anything. Meanwhile the Treasury took two years and threats of subpoenaing the agency heads to get the Hunter SARs to congress.
Whistleblowers in both the FBI and IRS complaining about DOJ interference to protect the Bidens.
All indictments brought against Trump were by Democrats.
And how’s that investigation of Biden holding government documents, some classified, for over a decade, going? What’s the investigator’s name again? Anybody know where he is?


I know right.

Checks op

Yep i am right

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Trump trump trump trump trump

Pause for breathe


when dozens of agents and cnn show up at one of the many places Biden has classified docs then you’ll be “right”

until then you’re just silly. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Maybe you think about. Gaslighting.

I don’t want one condition i want all conditions :blush:

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Trump should have taken the opportunity to quietly return the documents without consequence when asked and he would have saved himself a lot of trouble.

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gotta start somewhere

should biden quietly return all his too?

oh right. it only applies to non-swampers

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Number one is Bill Clinton and possibly hunter biden.

He did. They didn’t even have to subpoena him or anything.

One could draw that conclusion. :wink:

haha. cute

when fbi starts bringing in the regulars to pedo island we’ll be impressed

until then they’re the militant arm of democrat party

sorry kids. it is what it is

The FBI is the militant arm of the Democrats… man… this is just wild.

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i’m glad you acknowledged.