The Truth About Plastic

Didn’t that one guy get his head removed from his shoulders by the roman emperor for inventing plastic? They called it unbreakable glass. That sounds a lot like plastic to me.

The Romans invented the Steam Engine about 2,000 years ago.

Analog computers existed about 2,200 years ago.

Sewage Systems that were originally thought to be 5,000 year old Sumerian inventions, existed over 11,000 years ago.

These are merely technologies that weren’t lost to time.


Banning plastic bags was one of the dumbest things some states and stores ever did.

Virtue signaling at its finest.

I mean…single use plastic bags are a misnomer.

I use them over and over to store lots of stuff.


Diaper disposal once upon a time

Cat litter (I miss paper bags for this)

Every waste basket in the house

Emergency plastic gloves

Paper towels from wet spills

Anything stinky disposal

Bones and other such foods that would otherwise stink up the whole garbage can

Storage for more plastic bags

So many things! Anyone else? :thinking:

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I use them for a lot of storage of things like hangars and wall hooks, etc…plus all those other things you mentioned.

Being a storage bag for storage bags is one of my favorites…very meta.

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I can bring all the groceries inside in one trip. That alone makes plastic bags world champions.

Bonus: tie them to your cat’s feet and watch it highstep. It’s hilarious!

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if it was a bowling shirt, it would only have had ten


The American Beauty movie would have been ■■■■ without plastic bags.

If not for the yellow plastic bag discarded on the street, you’d never know where another Dollar General was going to pop up.


But what I really like about plastic is the fact that car interiors and even a majority of the exterior are made of plastic nowadays. Especially the plastic clips that hold the plastic to the plastic, love those things.

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Of course, dog poop removal from my neighbor’s lawn when I walk my dog and he does his thing.

(Or maybe that goes under your catch-all category of “Anything stinky disposal”.)

Also I take my lunch to work in a plastic store bag. (Not the same one after I picked up my dog’s poop, but certainly it could be the same one if I’m reusing it again after coming home from work.)

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