The total number of migrants ushered in during the Biden Administration could equate to the 5th largest state in the country!

All of them are invalid. We just choose to ignore the law 5% of the time.

No country connected to us by land qualifies for asylum.

And second. Asylum claims are required to be claimed at the first non hostile country the refugee arrives in. That means only Mexico or Canada could claim asylum in the USA, and since neither is killing folks no body on this 1/2 of the globe qualify for asylum in the US.

They need sent back to Mexico. Since Mexico let them enter their country, they must want them.


albert einstein disagrees with you.


Because NAZI Germany and Guatemala are the same thing.


The European immigration of the late 19th early 20 th centuries was in accordance with existing laws.
They didn’t sneak into the country and some waited years for their turn.
Discrimination, slurs happens to all ethnic classes. Yes, Southern Italians were considered inferior, my grandparents immigration papers listed their race as “Southern Italian” LOL.
Claims of similarities between the European migration and the J’Biden illegal invasion horde are factually incorrect and plain ■■■■■■■ stupid.

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I’m all for more and more of these phony asylum seekers going to NYC!

any asylum seeking and refugee application are adhjucated the same way einstiens was.

they look at individual and make a determination.

nationality makes no difference.


Too funny.

I don’t recall all these demands for context when the evil corporations are making ‘record’ profits. :joy:

man what an intellectually dishonest post. The fact you have to pretend the discussion was about nationality and not nations or countries shows how wrong you know your post was. Another post divoid of facts.

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someone not me compared germany under the nazis to 21st century Guatamala.

and my answer remains the same.

nationality doesnt matter. only whether the asylumees claims are valid or not.


still dishonest. Yes He compared countries not nationalities.

When your family came through in the 1920’s did they expect the government to fork over money for a hotel room, three meals a day and pay for their medical care?

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bet they got a green card, which allows them to work.


That didn’t answer the question I posed.

alas it actually does. green card equals money. without a green card they must depend on assistance.


we have this Ukrainian guy who works with me. highly intelligent, hard working, making over 100k a year. really great guy. has green card.

now without the ability to work legally what chance would he actually have?


Enough to pay for a hotel room and 3 meals a day for a family?

You need to figure out when to shut up.

Green card in 1920s?

There wasn’t even an equivalence to that in the 1920s.

Now back to the original question: What assistance of any sort at all from the government was available to immigrants (legal or illegal) in the 1920s?

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If Guatemala is like NAZI Germany, we must cut off all trade with them and put pressure on them to stop the genocide. Is Biden doing that?

Green cards hadn’t been invented yet.

“ The concept of a card to prove a person may live and work permanently in the United States began with the Alien Registration Receipt Card. The first receipt cards were printed on Form AR-3 on white paper and were the result of the Alien Registration Act of 1940.”