The State with the highest rate of Nursing home deaths since June 2020 Is not New York

Are these homes state run?

Sneaky we dont have a recall mechanism in Indiana. He Will never get impeached. He was re elected in November. And we are stuck with him for 4 years. We have a two term limit I believe.

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Not necessarily…they are State licensed and state guided…just like I am with my job. Only more so. Indiana code for my facilities is like 300 pages…Code for LTC is 1000s of pages.

All care facilities licensed by the State were required last summer to submit plans on combating COVID from protecting staff to what to do if we have staff just walk and we have inadequate staffing.

Apparently the State did not have enough authority to enforce these plans.

I had a national Accreditation in October and they said we had the most impressive and best care plan they had seen. In the US and Canada.

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He can be impeached. Get it done.

Ok then, who is responsible for the PPE?

Here, sign up.

I know it’s not the right reason for you, but out is out.

Oh it doesn’t look good for Indiana…but my experience reading about AARP isn’t exacally a stellar source of information.

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Local departments of health were…but I ran into a 100 foot wall and went on my own. March April and May was understandable…no one had PPE. This however runs June 2020 until January 2020. There were no excuses.

In general Most LTCs buy their own supplies. But the state hand mandatesbin place and they were not enforced.

Yeah…but still the amount of elderly in Fla with such a low death count.

I’m just as suspicious with that as I am with Indian numbers.

Local departments of health provide PPE to private nursing homes?

Actually my state did well after initial outbreak that caught this state by surprise. By then it had spread throughout Puget Sound area nursing homes.

Indiana shouldn’t have excuse IMO…since they’re aren’t a regional hub.

I know he can be…he won’t be. Republicans control both houses and he’s a Republican. And honestly up until September I was so impressed with him I defended him to the hilt. He put the stated up against his reelection. And this is what happened.

What happened between June and September? You’re inside man!

And as we spoke about it at the time. Those nursing homes around you should have been the example of what not to do and how not to combat COVID. We should have learned from them.

What about personal care facilities?

This took a high percentage in PA.

When you add all of the care facilities together you get the lion’s share of fatalities.

What do all these case states have in common?

Oh you would be surprised. As my niece traveled around the country training staff members at multiple hospitals their stuff was still intermingling among each other.

There was nothing in place to segregate the staff. At least that was what my take on her discussion months ago.

About the elderly in Florida … since there are a large number of well to do elderly originally from other States those may be driving down the rates.

It was a period of quiet control. We were not over the top in lock down…my daughter worked at old navy from June until January before she went back to college. Bars and Restaurants suffered…but stayed open to delivery and curbside. We are right now back to September 10 2020 levels. From October 10 to January 20…all hell broke loose.

Not sure what you mean by personal care facilities…define please.