The Stacey Abrams illegal ballot harvesting ground game in Georgia's runoff

Stacey Abrams argued a 50 cent stamp constituted a poll tax, for Blacks who didn’t want to risk voting in person during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Raffensperger caved in to such an absurdity.

The drop boxes, as you indicated, are really intended to make it easier to engage in ballot harvesting and swing an election.


They are not “democrats”, “progressives”, or “democrat” leaders. They are radical socialist revolutionaries, supported and defended by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.

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True, because she could sit on you and crush you.



Yes, I do imagine a little girl who is being crushed by Stacey Abrams sitting on her would be crying out “Oh, Daddy! Please help me, Daddy!”.

I mean if you’re saying she could beat you in the vote and then beat you up that’s a bold claim.

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And she won that? Jesus no wonder she flipped Georgia blue practically single handedly.

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She said that sometimes she or her co-workers would have to visit some folks three or four times in order to convince them that their vote was super important.

I certainly wouldn’t put it past that sow.

It’s why I continue to give her money.

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That’s it exactly. I saw some sort of poll today that said even 30 percent of democrats believe the election stolen!

I suspect that a hell of a lot more democrats know it but am impressed that 30 percent actually admit it.


I am sure you have proof of that groundless fact.


Yeah the general rule is for a “likely voter” (voted in four to seven of the last ten elections counting eligible primaries) it takes seven direct contacts to give you about an eighty percent chance of them voting.

This is why door knocking is so crucial. ■■■■ Matt Yglesias.

She said that when they started a lot of her co-workers just wanted to do social media. And she said that they had to try to get folks to open their doors and speak with them. And she said that a whole bunch of folks did open their doors up. She said that she is convinced that showing up in person made a big difference.

The black women of Georgia who upset trumps re-election bid in Georgia.



I guess they didn’t get the memo about walking away…



It definitely does. I spent a lot of my time in politics door knocking in the hood. The personal touch works. Especially now.

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You use this meme for your friends here?

Trump forfeited any right to meme protection by abandoning any pretense toward human decency.

He’s fair game.

Then so is Abrams and for the same reason.

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