The Road to Comeback, USA

I know. I meant are they giving up on winning elections?

Wonder why they won’t give up going after guns? Why is it so important to disarm the citizenry?


They won’t tell you the real reason or dare to show history when it happened before.


So what’s the plan critprogs? Put the whitest of white males back in charge and…?

Throw my people in the dumpster?

well, the leader they chose wants trump prosecuted for treason… how far behind can the rest of us be?


Nah- that was more effort than this thread…and your post…deserved.


What does the chair do besides raise money? Are they really active in strategy?

Last three presidential elections, the white male won, so…

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You and your fellow lefties seem to be awfully hung up on the color of a person’s skin.

Why is that?



I didn’t start the thread.

That doesn’t negate the fact that you and your fellow lefties seem to be awfully hung up on the particular hue of a person’s skin.

I simply don’t get it.



NOW who’s chairman doesn’t matter because they just raise money???

You sure gave a ■■■■ who is Chair and Co-Chair of the RNC and how “qualified” they should be at one time.

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Atta way! We all knew white prog love for us was fake anyways. Known it since Malcolm Little told us.

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Feel free to leave.


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Why is not MLK day enough?
Why isn’t there a day we remember the lives lost in Hollocast?
Why prop up one group of people and not others?

Just watching the news I saw more black women Mayors in the last month than I saw white women Mayors in a year.
WHERE does it end!!! Enough.

There is NOTHING “White” anywhere.
Don’t you even dare ask…never mind DO.

of course you forgot to mention David Hogg as vice chair.

gen z champion.

parkland shooting survivor

wants to abolish ICE


A nice balance to Ken Martin.

:laughing: :rofl: :rofl:


Did I?

…and here’s their new Vice Chair.

Cheers. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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There was a Holocaust Remembrance Day just last week:,Nazi%20concentration%20and%20death%20camp.

Although Hegseth’s DIA apparently canceled the May observance for this year:

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Stick man… pumping his fist. :rofl: