The richest 10% of households now represent 70% of all U.S. wealth

Without a doubt it is.

Actually it proves how clueless big government is regarding the laws of unintended consequences.

The rich are wealthy because they know how to create wealth, not only for themselves but for others as well. They are successful because they always find a way.

The government is exactly the opposite. They are giant leeches who suck the life out of everything they come in contact with.

In the case of the luxury tax, not only did it fail miserably but it drove wealth creation, with the resultant jobs, overseas. Laws of unintended consequences.

In what way?

Where’s that data that shows trickle down works?

Why couldnt the rich keep buying despite the tax?


Why do corporations deserve a bigger tax cut than you do? Why would you be ok with corporations having the ability to influence laws in their favor over you?

Also all of those tax cuts came at the expense of more deficit and more debt.

They are giving you crumbs while the have the loaf of bread and you are smiling because “hey at least I got crumbs, better than nothing”

Trickle-down economics is really just deficit spending. First, lower taxes and then, keep spending.

Of course, Ronald Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter, and Donald Trump has confirmed that Republicans never gave a ■■■■ about the debt.

Are you serious. I just provided you with my understanding of trickle down and used @MarkyS example to highlight my point. Geeze!

Because that’s not how the real world works. :roll_eyes:

When you pay your taxes, do you look to maximize the amount you pay or do you look for ways to reduce your tax burden? Wouldn’t you expect everyone else, including the rich, to do the same???

That’s a cop out not an answer.

I can provide you with an example of how to create a wall out of ramen noodles… that doesn’t mean it works.

Show me where cutting more taxes of the rich and corporations resulted in the middle class growing?

I’m not playing this silly game with you. You obviously aren’t a proponent of Supply Side economic theory. You’ve made that quite clear on multiple occasions. I have no intention of wasting my time to try and convince you of anything in that regard.

So no data huh? :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

You are free to BELIEVE that trickle down works… but there has been zero evidence that it does.

No one is giving me anything. That’s what big government LIBs will never understand. The money I earn belongs to me not the government. Allowing me to keep more of that money doesn’t mean the government is giving me something. They aren’t. :roll_eyes:

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You offered ingredients to make that bread. That is right, by all intents and purposes it is your money. However what you are getting back from the government is crumbs while the rich keep the loaf of bread. Why?

Because they heavily influence the bread making and distribution process. In the end, they have convinced the bread makers to give them a larger piece, or more pieces, of bread than we get.

Now I am hungry… at least I have crumbs

This is the basic difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats see absolutely no difference between money that you earn yourself and money that the government gives you. It is exactly the same and the government gets to tell you what to do with it.
If I am allowed to keep $5000 that I earned, that is exactly the same as the government giving me $5000.


If im a decent person i keep buying in america.

Yes it is.

That isn’t what is in play here. We’ve had several back and forth responses where I made my position very clear. I tried repeatedly to gracefully remove myself from the conversation, yet you persisted with the same requests, knowing I wouldn’t give you the time of day. In my book that is trolling.