The Racist Won Again

Because you ran a candidate that couldn’t get 2% in the DEMOCRATIC primaries 4 years ago, and dropped out before Iowa?

Or maybe it’s the fact your candidate stole key parts of her platform from the Nixon administration?

Or maybe it’s the fact Unions were loath to endorse her because they like to have a retirement fund?

Do you want me to go on? Or are you getting the picture that you should have run a Folgers coffee can instead of Kamala Harris?


Just think, Trump could be on his way out the door, instead of getting reelected.

Good job, libs. :rofl:


Find some honor in defeat for God’s sake.


there is no joy in Mudville - mighty Kamala has struck out

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Rev Al has been saying this morning that African-Americans and Latinos need to confront the misogyny in their communities and Morning Joe said if Harris was a 6’ 4" white guy from Arkansas she would have won. I guess they haven’t heard that every time they play the race and gender cards they become less effective.


It’s like no one can accept she was a bad candidate.


I am thankful she didn’t pick Josh Shapiro as her running mate, or maybe she was told be for selecting Walz that Shapiro didn’t want it. If so, that was very smart on his part.

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Lowest unemployment
Highest stock market
Multiple months in a row of job growth
Inflation back to expected levels

Seems pretty good to me. And not a single “campaign” promise is going to make those numbers better. Tariffs and mass deportations will result in more pain on the avg Joe. They need to feel it. I’m just watching with my popcorn.

She wasn’t. Especially not compared to Trump.

I mean seriously… what more did she need to be?

You’re full of gratuitous assertions. Now go away.


“Did you see the foreign papers? They’re calling me a monster!” – Bronsky (Mel Brooks) as Hitler

“Und a maniac!” – generals

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have you started impeachment proceedings yet?

These are insane people…completely out of touch with reality.

A broad coalition of Americans including a high percentage of black Americans and Latino’s, working class and middle class men and women of all races just came together and said enough.

Reverend Al is a dinosaur…

I heard two I think brilliant comments from analysts on Fox this morning.

Mary Katherine Ham just declared the end of progressivism as we have come to know it. Her key sentence was that democrats and prog libs have gotten used to telling themselves stories and bullying everyone else into believing those stories. This thread is based one such story…and the premise of this thread is a lie. Obama telling the “bros” they have to vote for Kamala because of her skin color…lies!

The other comment from a female legal analyst…this election result was and I agree an indictment of the overreach and misconduct of the justice department and all of the ridiculous lawfare coordinated out of Washington applying untested legal theories in front of friendly judges and courts … it’s going to take a long time for the DOJ to get it’s credibility back.

Common sense just won an election it had to win. Now we all need to watch this new administration and Congressional Majority to make sure common sense continues to win.


Honest, transparent, occasionally giving a straight answer to a question would have been a good idea, something other than the cackling grandstanding fool that she’s always been???

That would have been a good place to start.


Mass deportations and tariffs are not going to make those people better off.

Trump has a history of fraudulent behavior from his charity, university and the last election. He literally attempted to steal the election last time. Like started executing a plan and everything.

You all live in this separate reality. It’s quite fascinating.

She’s never really won an election. Her personal qualities are separate from her record of election.

She failed to bring together the Obama coalition. That must have been lightening in the bottle for Democrats. Cause they haven’t don’t that since 2012.

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I agree with this, but my questions is, will Trump use his DOJ to get his retribution?

Like I said….libs tell each other stories and then expect the rest of us to believe their stories…



There is no way you said this with a straight face.

Come on Rodeo.