The problems with Google's Gemini appear to go A LOT DEEPER than first reported

I have to admit that it is genuinely impressive that they have finally built a computer that cannot do math correctly.

Imagine. I’m going to take a thing that is literally just a mathematical model and have it not be able to count properly. It’s bold if nothing else.


sore loser

: a person who becomes very upset or angry when he or she loses a game, contest, etc.


See, I’m a big emergent tech guy, so I know exactly what large language models and how they are in no way a step towards generative AI. This is barely ALI if we’re being honest. It’s a parlor trick. Chatbots are Furbies that can search the internet.

Though when Furbies solve simple mathematical equations, they’re always right.

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Speaking of math



and I thought a sore loser was someone who used a topical cream…

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Maybe we should ask an AI to define it for us.

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Don’t worry. They see the problem now and will fix it. Eventually, they will refine their biases and propaganda, and be much more subtle.


All the memes are funny. But I’m about to train wreck the topic:

Paintings of Jesus are the original cultural appropriation memes. Who knew? Even Davinci painted a race swapped Jesus meme.

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And they wonder how the replacement theory catches wind. Someone on another site posted this Gemini AI version of German soldiers in 1943.


Guess that’s what it takes to “address” and “pause”.




I dunno man every nazi spy film i ever seen there is always a blonde woman nazi :blush:

And that woman is clearly a filthy Slav. :wink:



Google Senior Vice President Prabhakar Raghavan wanders off topic quite a bit here in his admission and apology (so maybe he does not quite “get it,”) but I am pleased that Google recognized the problem, and is not sweeping it under a rug, making accusations etc…

Other AI Chatbots (some of which have made even worse errors) should do this.

I wonder if he’ll fix this issue too.

Fun Fact:
In 1908 over 2,000 US companies made autos (or auto parts)
By the 1930s (22 years later) depression, that number was 44.
By the 1970s (62 years later) the Big 3 dominated American auto.

“Large Language Models” like ChatGPT are one segment of AI. It’s the segment that most nearly mirrors Wikipedia or a google question, but with no source attribution.

  • OpenAI has ChatGPT
  • Microsoft has CoPilot
  • Google has Gemini
  • Twitter has Grok
  • Snapchat has MyAI
  • Perplexity, Lamba, Llama, Pecuna, Cohere, Falcon, Ernie, Orca, dozens more exist in the US market.


Point is
While the LLMs with big backers have an obvious advantage,
we still don’t know which company’s LLM will be the biggest 10, 20 or 30 years from now.

Large language models…

will Vanna White be replaced by Ashley Graham or Precious Lee?

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Well, in the 1980s at the outset of home computing, industry leaders included IBM, Compaq, Texas Industries and WANG.

In the 2000s, at the advent of the Internet, top search engines included Yahoo,
Excite, WebCrawler, AltaVista, Ask Jeeves & Infoseek.

In the 1950s/60s at the birth of suburban shopping, Sears, JC Penny, Montgomery Ward and later Kmart were the biggest names.

An advantage in the beginning is important, but it is certainly not destiny.

From what little I have seen, I hope Open AI’s Chat GPT and Snapchat’s MyAI, fall flat on their faces and if “Go Woke Go Broke” means anything in this case, they probably will.

I learned how to program on a “Trash-80” (also programmed on apples - interesting thing the “processor” wars

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A part of me wonders if whites are being provoked into eventually making desired responses that the noble elites will be forced to deal with. The thing with Google AI is not woke stupidity or an honest mistake.

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