The panic, the fear and even desperation has set in

What telling repugs to hold firm?

They have long history of rolling over for democrats.

Dude is drowning and the only thing that can save him is Mitch’s desperate need to maintain power.

Moscow Mitch is getting ready for P46.

The drowning I see are libs. It’s why they are lashing out. Desperation had set in.

My fear is repugs will fall prey to libs tactics once again.

Talk about desperation and panic…holy ■■■■

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Libz strong powerful.

Conz weak febrile jelly.


Oh it gets better. The whistblower is a spy almost!

You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

He’s weak and scared. Pitiful tweet. Sad and low energy.

So, fat donald is calling out a “hit” on the whistleblower? What the ■■■■ ?

Very low energy.

"Russian if you are listening, a dab of polonium wouldn’t be a bad idea "

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Is lashing out a sign of desperation?

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Contrast with…

Can no one rid me of this meddlesome whistleblower?


lol fear and desperation

Rudy is woefully old.

He should never have gotten himself wrapped up with this crooked clown.

He should have stayed on the porch reliving his glory days.

But but he had a NDA

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Surely, one of my subjects, one of the members of my society, can dispense with this?

Perhaps a fatal meme shot?


They might fall prey to the libz again. It’s not like they sent their talking points memo to them. Oh wait… they did. Sad.


Recall! Recall!! We’d like to recall that email!



Moving embarrassing documents to a top secret server isn’t a sign of desperation, is it?

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