The panic, the fear and even desperation has set in

Yup…they keep talking about why all the hatred why all the anger. Hell it’s been that way for 2 years…the narrative they have to paint of liberals is one that needs to be as negative as possible. The TrumpCons try hard for sure.

I see hatred and anger, but not on the left. :slight_smile:

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They’re bumping threads with replies to people who can’t reply back. Someone give them some attention. lol

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That’s despicable!

“somewhat likely”?

What the ■■■■ does that even mean? It certainly doesn’t mean 63% think he’s getting re-elected.

I got a good chuckle out of it, though.


Conan can’t reply back?

No worries. His handlers will take care of it.

No doubt. Time out?

Who says I can’t? I just not wasting my time playing silly games with libs.

Maybe that was a little harsh. :thinking:

BTW…today’s announcement of starting impeachment process is admission that democrats cannot beat Trump. :wink:

Wasn’t there a Democrat on TV saying exactly that today? They can’t beat him unless they impeach him? :rofl:


Can you ever be consistent?


The fear, panic and desperation are going to reach a whole new level…:joy:


Allan Lichtman, ladies and gentlemen. On record three months ago saying impeachment is the democrats only chance.

The desperation has set in. I wonder how high their hopes will get. lol


Trumpsters spent years playing in their Jade Helm, Q-anon, lock her up fantasy lands, now suddenly find themselves confused and desperate as Trump and Rudy lead them all off a cliff.

I’m having the most fun.



I predict Rudy will be eventually indicted.

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Was Rudy lying when he said he was working as Trump’s personal lawyer?
Was Rudy lying when he said he was working under orders from the State Department?

Looks like we’re going to have to get some answers from Bolton and Pompeo.


Drip, drip, drip.