The “No Collusion” Talking Point is Officially Dead

I’m scared to think about how scared I’m going to feel later.

If I had better medical, I’d see a doctor and ask him if there’s a pill that can help me.

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It’s okay, brother.

I know how you feel.

It’s good that you’re talking about it.

Talking helps.

Ah boring talking points…that’s neat

Lexapro can help with that.


Should be getting trump any day now. Just keep recycling “news” until then.

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Try to imagine it from his point of view.

I’m guessing he voted for a guy who probably juiced the election.

He might end up a bad guy in the history books.

That’s a deep wound.

To be dead wrong about something like that? That really hurts.

Gotta play defense on that one.

Hard, screaming defense.

Until you give up.

Like I did.

Republicans Anonymous. I’m sure there is a chapter in your area.

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If I thought being a Democrat would make me feel better, I’d do it.

It’s cheaper than a doctor’s visit.

What I don’t understand is why no Republicans are standing up to him.

Where are the good guys?

I don’t think that it has sunk in how bad today was for the President.

Trump bullies people. Look how he is trying to bully the CEO of GM.

That’s why no Republican stands up to him.

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Republicans still are waiting for Gil Grissom from CSI to solve the case in an hour.

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I am beginning to see that now.

I don’t know why I didn’t see it then.

There are still parts of me that just want to say, “I don’t care” or “So what.”

But I’m trying to be a grown up about it.

The Trump new car smell has worn off and now it smells like urine and hobo sweat.

Just don’t be apathetic. Be patriotic. Once the Trump Crime Family is in jail, you’ll be glad you didn’t side with the crooks.


Live grapes, actually.

I had to delete that last post.

Reading it after I wrote it hurt too much.

I wonder what’s on TV.

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Refresh…you dont recycle

Collusion is so boring.

Goody clinton saw donald trump talking to a russian down by the old covered bridge.

OhKnow doesn’t understand what an on-record filing is. It drives Trumpers nutz that people like Mueller actually fun a leak-free operation… unlike Trump.

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There was no collusion.