…the fight for the speakership.
Poor McCarthy.
He has literally been trying to be Speaker his entire career. He got torpedoed by Ryan the last time…who is going to emerge from this mess to torpedo him this time?
Get the popcorn ready!
…the fight for the speakership.
Poor McCarthy.
He has literally been trying to be Speaker his entire career. He got torpedoed by Ryan the last time…who is going to emerge from this mess to torpedo him this time?
Get the popcorn ready!
At this point, why would he want it?
This makes like…no sense. The MAGA wing (Gaetz, Gosar, Greene and co) could hold back their votes but then- who else could muster the needed votes? I don’t see it. McCarthy will offer these weirdos plum assignments and promise them he will impeach Biden for calling them semi-fascists… and they will back him- mark my words.
If the MAGA wing do play it out, it’ll go to multiple ballots. Theoretically the dems could peel off a few republicans to elect the House Speaker but that seems incomprehensible.
The last time a vote for speaker had to go to multiple ballots was in 1923. And the longest time in history it took to elect a speaker lasted two months, with a total of 133 ballots.
I think Greene supports McCarthy…mainly because he is going to give her committee assignments and let her be in on the Biden investigations.
It’s the Freedom Caucus (Rand Paul and his ilk) that don’t like him.
And those guys are as stubborn as all get out.
PS Oops Rand Paul is a Senator. Scott Perry/Gym Jordan types.
The downstream effects of the missing Red Wave…
The right will speak their minds, make their cases but in the end, IMO…will not be divided.
Oh right- McCarthy already bought off Greene. Looks like he needs more presents and plum assignments for the MAGA wing.
The next spectacle imho, will be the Biden investigation over the laptop, which I hope they don’t draw it out for six years like the Democrats have done with Donald Trump investigations. I hope they come up with meaningful solutions will see.
The spectacle is the thing.
You think they’re doing it for “meaningful solutions”?
I’m going to enjoy Marjorie “But she’s a freak, so that makes up for it” Taylor Greene moralizing about Hunter Biden’s lack of morals.
Definitely hope they go full Hunter until 24. Even better if they impeach Biden. That’ll play great for the election.
They don’t care about Hunter Biden, I hope they have enough sense if they find no connection to Joe peddling influence they will hand the crack pipe back to Hunter and move on.
Its soooo dumb.
Heres the facts- Hunter is an addict and used his name to get overpaid for plum jobs and bad art. Besides the yucky nepotism (Hello Kushner, Ivanka, Andrew Giuliani and loads more), there is no evidence of any corruption involving Joe. If it was obvious and clear it would have already been front headlines everywhere,
This will hurt the GOP by going down this road. That dog won’t hunt(er).
They’re not after Hunter you know that they’re wanting to see if he Joe was doing deals using his influence. Supposedly they have a laptop if it doesn’t yield anything worthwhile I would hope they don’t do the endless investigations and move on.
Yeah, that’s gonna happen.
Naive? Or gas-lighting?
51 retired intelligence officers claimed this was Russian disinformation. Now…do you think that’s true? There’s a lot more here my friend and why it’s been sat on for years by our corrupted intelligence agencies and the MSM that’s been weaponized and no longer neutral. As I’ve said here for years, the MSM have evolved into sheople troughs and you are regurgibleating EXACTLY the narrative they want spread.
Yes the Hunter Biden story begins and ends with the fact that Hunter did bad things there was a PILE of evidence and the NYTimes CNN and Twitter etc etc. spiked the story because they are hugely biased propaganda machines.
It should be taught in every HS that the major media is crap the era of Yellow Journalism was better and more factual than today, (and that extends what the media says about science.)
But Congressional hearings? Sounds like a revenge circus.
Great point! I forgot about that. Next that little cabal tries that crap, we can just ignore them.
Talk about “undermining confidence in our 'mocracy elections!”
Easier than governing.