The word “cult” comes from the Latin "cultus-adoration, education, cultivation.
The veneration of the charismatic leader is in my opinion, the key characteristic of political cults. The infantile belief that “dear leader(s)” know something above the rest of us. That they are somehow enlightened or destined to lead us out of dark times.
This is very dangerous.
Of course it doesn’t have to be one person; it can also be an idea. But there are usually charismatic leaders even when it is based on an idea. Promoters and influencers.
People in cults often don’t realize where they are. And they are blind and deaf. Cognitive dissonance is rampant. It is a recipe for disaster.
Insinuating “MAGA” is a cult, would be the same as calling historical, regular lovers and fighters for the American spirit Those who oppose tyranny, “cultists”.
Some people are so wrapped up in a show-of, ego-based pseudointellectualism, the mirror fogs up. That, is where the idealogue cults oppose Americanism. Maga is just the golden mean of Americanism.
All of the insinuations that MAGA supporters worship Trump is sheer idiocy. Of course there might be a lunatic or ten, that are into person worship instead of the spirit of America or the spirit of faith. Maga supporters are nothing other than American style patriots. Haters hate. The spirit of Communist and globalist revolution is the real enemy of America…next comes the enemy of lethargy within.
“Maga” just means “Make America Great Again”. None of that means worship Trump. In the Op list, all of them are pinheaded ideologies that think making America GREAT Again, means returning to (insert delusion here xxx).
Since I agree with most of Trump’s positions, I don’t find anything extremist about MAGA.
That there are people who idolize Trump as a great leader or political savior, then yes, to those people MAGA is a cult.
To the half the country who support Trump over Biden but aren’t so thrilled with the man, …no, they are not in a cult.
Every cult who worships a man, attempts to separate the man from his ideology as soon as the man is show to be extremely flawed.
“Sure he was bad but he did X”
“No I don’t agree with that, but he did do Y”
“He lied to protect us”
“Nobody can do what he does”
Etc etc.
Every cult has members of the cult who question the leader. Who may not agree with some of his decisions… but will ultimately defend him and protect him when the time comes.
Trump happens to agree with me on a bunch of things. Does that make me “maga”? Do the neo-definers-of-words require me to change my positions if I don’t want to face their slings and arrows?
Individuals were allowed control over their own lives.
It was written so that government only had enough power to impose civil order;
Protect citizens from being invaded by foreigners and to secure rights to life of all citizens.
Freedom, and the pursuit of happiness.
The Bill of Rights was added to insure Citizens rights were never violated. The constitution does not give Federal Government the power to violate these rights.
It’s purpose is to protect citizens from government; To keep State and Local Governments from violating people’s rights.
If wanting men that live by the constitution for leaders and if preferring people that cling to the constitution makes us a cult, then HooRah!! I’ll take it.