That’s why I’m gradually having a conversation about net O2 producers (like me ), starting with trees.
All I have done so far is point out that the trees in this country sequester more CO2 than Statista’s stated total output in the USA. I assume my sources are acceptable.
Some others have contributed interesting thoughts, like GMO trees, or the fact that some rain forests still have a lot of wiggle room in remaining a carbon sink.
We’re outside the beltway, having a mere discussion.
The obvious solution to man-emitted CO2 is to eliminate Mankind. Of course then it won’t matter what happens to the atmosphere and global temperature because there won’t be anyone around to complain about it. The atmospheric CO2 ranged between 100 ppm and 5000 ppm for billions of years before man made his debut and life went on just fine. It will continue to go on long after we are gone.
So, total energy output meaning all of our industry and agriculture, not human breath or dead bodies decaying in the wild, or even the occasional volcanic eruption.
Cool. Our trees alone recycle over 130% more CO2 than our annual output. That’s fantastic news no matter who you vote for. lol
Again, we haven’t even gotten to the cyanobacteria, algae, etc…
We haven’t discussed the fact that the Earth has been warming precisely since the Little Ice Age ended.
We haven’t discussed the fact that our current inter-glacial period is one of the coldest inter-glacial periods on Ice Core record.
All we’ve done so far is prove that our trees alone are recycling more CO2 than our industry generates.
His point is valid Six. The fact is, global atmospheric CO2 is and has been for decades, increasing by about 1% every year. That is, the gross from all carbon emitting sources is 1% greater than the absorption by all carbon sinks. The science doesn’t discriminate as to where it comes from or where it goes. Regardless, it’s slowly but steadily increasing.
Precisely…even planting billions of more trees won’t help. Once they dies it will only release that carbon.
So what’s alternative? Find a use for CO2 that won’t decay…or possibly turn it into another chemical that we can use. Again just thinking out loud here, not expert nor do I pretend to be one.
What I do know crying about it is not going to help…quit your bitching and find a solution. Right Samm?