The most disturbing thing in the Twitter files

Is the collusion of the FBI, CIA and Big tech to end free speech for in America.


In all of the Twitter files there is exactly one order to take down a Tweet. From the Trump administration.

Abd look at that “fReE sPeEcH” paradise now. Advertisers seem reluctant to a platform where Nazis have been given the green light and the owner is baring his anti Semitism as the platform collapses.

lol @ Twitter files. What a pant load.


Meanwhile libs are scared that Trump will do to them what they did to him.


The FBI explained that they were doing exactly what we all believe to be the legitimate job of the FBI. Helping a private company enforce their own internal policies…and paying that company to help the FBI do it.

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He’s going to hurt our tender fee fees?

I guess some people have a more relaxed attitude towards child porn and really, really want to look at Hunter Biden **** pics.

You think that’s what 80 agents were assigned for: to stop child porn on Twitter and Facebook. You know better than that.
Or maybe not.

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X seems to be moving towards the model of free speech as long as pay for it.

I have no problem with a subscription model but everyone who has and does refer to X as the modern day town square should.

Musk alienating his biggest advertisers is mind boggling. And advertisers are not indulging in censorship, advertisers have throughout history going back to the first newspapers pulled advertising for various reasons and they have every right to do so.

X does not have some inherent right that mandates advertisers have to keep spending dollars on that platform nor do they have any obligation to continue advertising.

lol. It makes a lot more sense than "80 FBI agents there to squash racism, anti-Semitism, threats, and extremism…err, I mean “conservative speech”.

The “tWiTtEr” fIlEs" was a stage managed face plant and it showed the only actual censorhip and orders to take anything down came from the Trump administration.

The FBI would “make suggestions” of what they considered a “problem tweet”. Then, if nothing happened they would contact Twitter to find out why. You may not feel intimidated by the FBI making “suggestions” and checking on you to find out if you acted on them. Most would.


And the lap (D)ogs jump in front to protect Master. :rofl:


Whoaaaa whoaaaa whoaaa Feeeeelingss…

Was anyone at Twitter “intimidated?” No, they weren’t.

And the fact remains, the only heavy handed gummint censorship was the Trump administration, who ordered a Tweet taken down because it mocked Trump. Free Speech my behind, Republicans just want to mainstream their extremism.

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Heck yes they were intimidated. They could enforce their own internal policies. The FBI is the very heart of federal intimidation.


So quick and loyal.

Just awaiting the trigger to froth.




He needs a link to prove that the FBI showing up at your front door with “suggestions” is intimidating.


“In a preliminary injunction issued by US District Judge Terry Doughty, the judge ordered a slew of federal agencies and more than a dozen top officials not to communicate with social media companies about taking down “content containing protected free speech” that’s posted on the platforms.”

“Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

Thomas Paine.


About 1 minute in…

“FBI, DHS and Big Tech had an organized system for flagging content.” Not occasionally but in enormous numbers involving spread sheets and accounts into the hundreds of thousands…"

No liberty in modern liberalism…

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So dramatic! A takedown request is an email.


There is literally no such thing as “protected free speech” on Xitter or any platform.

This injunction from a Trump judge was quickly overturned. Why don’t you tell ‘em that part?