The Left's War On Guns

Just a reminder not to mess with the Big Guy and his agenda. He ran off Corn Pop ya know.

Put 'em up!! Put 'em up!!

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And of course Biden says this as we ship guns to Ukraine to fight off Russia.



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Every time I hear Joe Biden say his stupid crap about F-15s.


Well, except they did have rockets, mortars, SAMs, Mig jets …

Biden is still an idiot.


I’m just waiting for a jihad on firearms in PA now that Shapiro is in and there’s no way for republicans to stop the Dems. It’s gonna be VA in PA soon.

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There’s eventually going to be a split in the country.

More than likely going to happen when a slightly left state pushes things just a bit too far, or a left leaning circuit court.

If only there was some limited form of govt where the federal level had very little it was responsible for, and the states could do everything else.

(Although in this case it’s states trying to do things denied to it so kinda a wash in this case)

I hear this a lot, but nobody ever wants to say what the “split” would actually look like. Do people just quit their jobs and move? Parents disown children? Something else?

It’s one of those things that seems a lot more fun to talk about doing than actually doing, like writing a novel.

living in texas i hear a lot of texans fantasizing about “texit”. i laugh at the idea. texas (or any state) that tried to leave would become a failed state quickly

Yeah … It would … With a loser attitude like that. :stuck_out_tongue:


Covid restrictions and lockdowns split a lot of families.


That’s actually hard to pin down because it depends too much on the reaction of the side being “left”.

I’m sure there would be some of the things you mention, but how much is more hinged on the reaction to being left than the ones actually leaving.

Regardless, Nichols, with Giffords, called this number “horrifying.”

“It shows that we really have a serious problem with guns that are not being stored safely in order to prevent this,” she said.

These people…



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Isn’t everything?

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Gee I wonder if the ruling would have been a bit different if the case was about immigration sanctuary cities?


That reminds me of ol’ Andy Jackson and his supposed reaction to SCOTUS and John Marshall.

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If this new?


oNly iN 'mEriCa!